Those who are struck down by the Supreme Lord God do not belong to anyone.
Those who hate the One who has no hatred, are destroyed by righteous justice.
Those who are cursed by the Saints wander around lost.
When the tree is cut off at its roots, the branches wither and die. ||31||
Salok, Fifth Mehl:
Guru Nanak implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me; He is All-powerful, to create and destroy.
Remember God forever, my friend, and all your suffering will disappear. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
The hungry person does not care about honor, dishonor or harsh words.
Nanak begs for the Name of the Lord; please grant Your Grace, and unite me with Yourself. ||2||
According to the deeds which one does, so are the fruits one obtains.
If someone chews on red-hot iron, his throat will be burned.
The halter is put around his neck and he is led away, because of the evil deeds he has done.
None of his desires are fulfilled; he continually steals the filth of others.
The ungrateful wretch does not appreciate what he has been given; he wanders lost in reincarnation.
He loses all support, when the Support of the Lord is taken away from him.
He does not let the embers of strife die down, and so the Creator destroys him.
Those who indulge in egotism crumble and fall to the ground. ||32||
Salok, Third Mehl:
The Gurmukh is blessed with spiritual wisdom and a discerning intellect.
He sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and weaves this garland into his heart.
He becomes the purest of the pure, a being of supreme understanding.
Whoever he meets, he saves and carries across.
The fragrance of the Lord's Name permeates his being deep within.
He is honored in the Court of the Lord, and his speech is the most sublime.
Those who hear him are delighted.
O Nanak, meeting the True Guru, one obtains the wealth and property of the Naam. ||1||
Fourth Mehl:
The sublime state of the True Guru is not known; no one knows what pleases the Perfect True Guru.
Deep within the hearts of His GurSikhs, the True Guru is pervading. The Guru is pleased with those who long for His Sikhs.
As the True Guru directs them, they do their work and chant their prayers. The True Lord accepts the service of His GurSikhs.
But those who want the GurSikhs to work for them, without the Order of the True Guru - the Guru's Sikhs shall not come near them again.
One who works diligently for the Guru, the True Guru - the GurSikhs work for him.
One who comes to deceive, who rises up and goes out to deceive - the GurSikhs shall never come near him.
Nanak proclaims and announces this wisdom of God. One who is not pleasing to the Mind of the True Guru may do his deeds, but that being will only suffer in terrible pain. ||2||
O True Lord and Master, You are so very great. As great as You are, You are the greatest of the great.
He alone is united with You, whom You unite with Yourself. You Yourself bless and forgive us, and tear up our accounts.
One whom You unite with Yourself, whole-heartedly serves the True Guru.
You are the True One, the True Lord and Master; my soul, body, flesh and bones are all Yours.
If it pleases You, then save me, True Lord. Nanak places the hopes of his mind in You alone, O greatest of the great! ||33||1|| Sudh||