Raag Aasaa, First Mehl, Chhant, Second House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
You are everywhere, wherever I go, O True Creator Lord.
You are the Giver of all, the Architect of Destiny, the Dispeller of distress.
The Lord Master is the Dispeller of distress; all that happens is by His doing.
Millions upon millions of sins, He destroys in an instant.
He calls a swan a swan, and a crane a crane; He contemplates each and every heart.
You are everywhere, wherever I go, O True Creator Lord. ||1||
Those who meditate on Him single-mindedly obtain peace; how rare are they in this world.
The Messenger of Death does not draw near those who live the Guru's Teachings; they never return defeated.
Those who appreciate the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, never suffer defeat; the Messenger of Death does not even approach them.
Birth and death are ended for those who are attached to the feet of the Lord.
Through the Guru's Teachings, they obtain the sublime essence of the Lord, and the fruit of the Lord; they enshrine the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, in their hearts.
Those who meditate on Him single-mindedly obtain peace; how rare are they in this world. ||2||
He who created the world and assigned all to their tasks - unto Him I am a sacrifice.
So serve Him, and gather profit, and you shall obtain honor in the Court of the Lord.
That humble being, who recognizes the One Lord alone, obtains honor in the Court of the Lord.
One who meditates on the Lord, through the Guru's Teachings, obtains the nine treasures; he chants and repeats continually the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
Day and night, take the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the most sublime Primal Being.
The One who created the world and assigned all to their tasks - I am a sacrifice to Him. ||3||
Those who chant the Naam look beautiful; they obtain the fruit of peace. Those who believe in the Name win the game of life.
Their blessings are not exhausted, if it pleases the Lord, even though numerous ages may pass.
Even though numerous ages may pass, O Lord Master, their blessings are not exhausted.
They do not age, they do not die and fall into hell, if they meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
Those who chant the Lord's Name, Har, Har, do not wither, O Nanak; they are not afflicted by pain.
Those who chant the Naam look beautiful; they obtain the fruit of peace. Those who believe in the Name win the game of life. ||4||1||4||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Aasaa, First Mehl, Chhant, Third House:
Listen, O black deer: why are you so attached to the orchard of passion?
The fruit of sin is sweet for only a few days, and then it grows hot and bitter.
That fruit which intoxicated you has now become bitter and painful, without the Naam.