By Guru's Grace, I meditate on the Name of the Lord; I wash the Feet of the True Guru. ||1||Pause||
The Exalted Lord of the World, the Master of the Universe, keeps a sinner like me in His Sanctuary
You are the Greatest Being, Lord, Destroyer of the pains of the meek; You have placed Your Name in my mouth, Lord. ||1||
I am lowly, but I sing the Lofty Praises of the Lord, meeting with the Guru, the True Guru, my Friend.
Like the bitter nimm tree, growing near the sandalwood tree, I am permeated with the fragrance of sandalwood. ||2||
My faults and sins of corruption are countless; over and over again, I commit them.
I am unworthy, I am a heavy stone sinking down; but the Lord has carried me across, in association with His humble servants. ||3||
Those whom You save, Lord - all their sins are destroyed.
O Merciful God, Lord and Master of servant Nanak, You have carried across even evil villains like Harnaakhash. ||4||3||
Nat, Fourth Mehl:
O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, with love.
When the Lord of the Universe, Har, Har, granted His Grace, then I fell at the feet of the humble, and I meditate on the Lord. ||1||Pause||
Mistaken and confused for so many past lives, I have now come and entered the Sanctuary of God.
O my Lord and Master, You are the Cherisher of those who come to Your Sanctuary. I am such a great sinner - please save me! ||1||
Associating with You, Lord, who would not be saved? Only God sanctifies the sinners.
Naam Dayv, the calico printer, was driven out by the evil villains, as he sang Your Glorious Praises; O God, You protected the honor of Your humble servant. ||2||
Those who sing Your Glorious Praises, O my Lord and Master - I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to them.
Those houses and homes are sanctified, upon which the dust of the feet of the humble settles. ||3||
I cannot describe Your Glorious Virtues, God; You are the greatest of the great, O Great Primal Lord God.
Please shower Your Mercy upon servant Nanak, God; I serve at the feet of Yor humble servants. ||4||4||
Nat, Fourth Mehl:
O my mind, believe in and chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
God, the Master of the Universe, has showered His Mercy upon me, and through the Guru's Teachings, my intellect has been molded by the Naam. ||1||Pause||
The Lord's humble servant sings the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, listening to the Guru's Teachings.
The Lord's Name cuts down all sins, like the farmer cutting down his crops. ||1||
You alone know Your Praises, God; I cannot even describe Your Glorious Virtues, Lord.
You are what You are, God; You alone know Your Glorious Virtues, God. ||2||
The mortals are bound by the many bonds of Maya's noose. Meditating on the Lord, the knot is untied,
like the elephant, which was caught in the water by the crococile; it remembered the Lord, and chanted the Lord's Name, and was released. ||3||
O my Lord and Master, Supreme Lord God, Transcendent Lord, throughout the ages, mortals search for You.
Your extent cannot be estimated or known, O Great God of servant Nanak. ||4||5||
Nat, Fourth Mehl:
O my mind, in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises is worthy and commendable.
When the Merciful Lord God shows kindness and compassion, then one falls at the feet of the True Guru, and meditates on the Lord. ||1||Pause||