His beauteous forms cannot be comprehended; what can anyone accomplish by discussing and debating? ||2||
Throughout the ages, You are the three qualities, and the four sources of creation.
If You show Your Mercy, then one obtains the supreme status, and speaks the Unspoken Speech. ||3||
You are the Creator; all are created by You. What can any mortal being do?
He alone, upon whom You shower Your Grace, is absorbed into the Truth. ||4||
Everyone who comes and goes chants Your Name.
When it is pleasing to Your Will, then the Gurmukh understands. Otherwise, the self-willed manmukhs wander in ignorance. ||5||
You gave the four Vedas to Brahma, for him to read and read continually, and reflect upon.
The wretched one does not understand His Command, and is reincarnated into heaven and hell. ||6||
In each and every age, He creates the kings, who are sung of as His Incarnations.
Even they have not found His limits; what can I speak of and contemplate? ||7||
You are True, and all that You do is True. If You bless me with the Truth, I will speak on it.
One whom You inspire to understand the Truth, is easily absorbed into the Naam. ||8||1||23||
Aasaa, Third Mehl:
The True Guru has dispelled my doubts.
He has enshrined the Immaculate Name of the Lord within my mind.
Focusing on the Word of the Shabad, I have obtained lasting peace. ||1||
Listen, O my mind, to the essence of spiritual wisdom.
The Great Giver knows our condition completely; the Gurmukh obtains the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
The great glory of meeting the True Guru is
that it has quenched the fire of possessiveness and desire;
imbued with peace and poise, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||
Without the Perfect Guru, no one knows the Lord.
Attached to Maya, they are engrossed in duality.
The Gurmukh receives the Naam, and the Bani of the Lord's Word. ||3||
Service to the Guru is the most excellent and sublime penance of penances.
The Dear Lord dwells in the mind, and all suffering departs.
Then, at the Gate of the True Lord, one appears truthful. ||4||
Serving the Guru, one comes to know the three worlds.
Understanding his own self, he obtains the Lord.
Through the True Word of His Bani, we enter the Mansion of His Presence. ||5||
Serving the Guru, all of one's generations are saved.
Keep the Immaculate Naam enshrined within your heart.
In the Court of the True Lord, you shall be adorned with True Glory. ||6||
How very fortunate are they, who are committed to the Guru's service.
Night and day, they are engaged in devotional worship; the True Name is implanted within them.
Through the Naam, all of one's generations are saved. ||7||
Nanak chants the true thought.
Keep the Name of the Lord enshrined within your heart.
Imbued with devotion to the Lord, the gate of salvation is found. ||8||2||24||
Aasaa, Third Mehl:
Everyone lives, hoping in hope.
Understanding His Command, one becomes free of desire.
So many are asleep in hope.
He alone wakes up, whom the Lord awakens. ||1||
The True Guru has led me to understand the Naam, the Name of the Lord; without the Naam, hunger does not go away.