He Himself is True, and true is all that He has established. True is the prevailing Order of the True Lord. ||4||
True is the justice of the True Lord.
Your place is forever True, O God.
True is Your Creative Power, and True is the Word of Your Bani. True is the peace which You give, O my Lord and Master. ||5||
You alone are the greatest king.
By the Hukam of Your Command, O True Lord, our affairs are fulfilled.
Inwardly and outwardly, You know everything; You Yourself are pleased with Yourself. ||6||
You are the great party-goer, You are the great enjoyer.
You are detached in Nirvaanaa, You are the Yogi.
All celestial comforts are in Your home; Your Glance of Grace rains Nectar. ||7||
You alone give Your gifts.
You grant Your gifts unto all the beings of the world.
Your treasures are overflowing, and are never exhausted; through them, we remain satisfied and fulfilled. ||8||
The Siddhas, seekers and forest-dwellers beg from You.
The celibates and abstainers, and those who abide in peace beg from You.
You alone are the Great Giver; all are beggars of You. You bless all the world with Your gifts. ||9||
Your devotees worship You with infinite love.
In an instant, You establish and disestablish.
Your weight is so heavy, O my infinite Lord and Master. Your devotees surrender to the Hukam of Your Command. ||10||
They alone know You, whom You bless with Your Glance of Grace.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they enjoy Your Love forever.
They alone are clever, handsome and wise, who are pleasing to Your Mind. ||11||
One who keeps You in his consciousness, becomes carefree and independent.
One who keeps You in his consciousness, is the true king.
One who keeps You in his consciousness - what does he have to fear? And what else does he need to do? ||12||
Thirst and desire are quenched, and one's inner being is cooled and soothed.
The True Guru has mended the broken one.
Awareness of the Word of the Shabad has awakened within my heart. Shaking it and vibrating it, I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||13||
I shall not die; I shall live forever and ever.
I have become immortal; I am eternal and imperishable.
I do not come, and I do not go. The Guru has driven out my doubts. ||14||
Perfect is the Word of the Perfect Guru.
One who is attached to the Perfect Lord, is immersed in the Perfect Lord.
His love increases day by day, and when it is weighed, it does not decrease. ||15||
When the gold is made one hundred percent pure,
its color is true to the jeweller's eye.
Assaying it, it is placed in the treasury by God the Jeweller, and it is not melted down again. ||16||
Your Naam is Ambrosial Nectar, O my Lord and Master.
Nanak, Your slave, is forever a sacrifice to You.
In the Society of the Saints, I have found great peace; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, this mind is pleased and satisfied. ||17||1||3||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Solhas:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The Guru is the Lord of the World, the Guru is the Master of the Universe.
The Guru is merciful, and always forgiving.
The Guru is the Shaastras, the Simritees and the six rituals. The Guru is the Holy Shrine. ||1||