The Lord's Saints are steady and stable forever; they worship and adore Him, and chant the Lord's Name.
Those who are mercifully blessed by the Lord of the Universe, join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. ||3||
Mother, father, spouse, children and wealth will not go along with you in the end.
Says Kabeer, meditate and vibrate on the Lord, O madman. Your life is uselessly wasting away. ||4||1||
I do not know the limits of Your Royal Ashram.
I am the humble slave of Your Saints. ||1||Pause||
The one who goes laughing returns crying, and the one who goes crying returns laughing.
What is inhabited becomes deserted, and what is deserted becomes inhabited. ||1||
The water turns into a desert, the desert turns into a well, and the well turns into a mountain.
From the earth, the mortal is exalted to the Akaashic ethers; and from the ethers on high, he is thrown down again. ||2||
The beggar is transformed into a king, and the king into a beggar.
The idiotic fool is transformed into a Pandit, a religious scholar, and the Pandit into a fool. ||3||
The woman is transformed into a man, and the men into women.
Says Kabeer, God is the Beloved of the Holy Saints. I am a sacrifice to His image. ||4||2||
Saarang, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
O mortal, why are you going into the forest of corruption?
You have been misled into eating the toxic drug. ||1||Pause||
You are like a fish living in the water;
you do not see the net of death.
Trying to taste the flavor, you swallow the hook.
You are bound by attachment to wealth and woman. ||1||
The bee stores up loads of honey;
then someone comes and takes the honey, and throws dust in its mouth.
The cow stores up loads of milk;
then the milkman comes and ties it by its neck and milks it. ||2||
For the sake of Maya, the mortal works very hard.
He takes the wealth of Maya, and buries it in the ground.
He acquires so much, but the fool does not appreciate it.
His wealth remains buried in the ground, while his body turns to dust. ||3||
He burns in tremendous sexual desire, unresolved anger and desire.
He never joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Says Naam Dayv, seek God's Shelter;
be fearless, and vibrate on the Lord God. ||4||1||
Why not make a bet with me, O Lord of Wealth?
From the master comes the servant, and from the servant, comes the master. This is the game I play with You. ||1||Pause||
You Yourself are the deity, and You are the temple of worship. You are the devoted worshipper.
From the water, the waves rise up, and from the waves, the water. They are only different by figures of speech. ||1||
You Yourself sing, and You Yourself dance. You Yourself blow the bugle.
Says Naam Dayv, You are my Lord and Master. Your humble servant is imperfect; You are perfect. ||2||2||
Says God: my slave is devoted only to me; he is in my very image.
The sight of him, even for an instant, cures the three fevers; his touch brings liberation from the deep dark pit of household affairs. ||1||Pause||
The devotee can release anyone from my bondage, but I cannot release anyone from his.