O king, who will come to you?
I have seen such love from Bidur, that the poor man is pleasing to me. ||1||Pause||
Gazing upon your elephants, you have gone astray in doubt; you do not know the Great Lord God.
I judge Bidur's water to be like ambrosial nectar, in comparison with your milk. ||1||
I find his rough vegetables to be like rice pudding; the night of my life passes singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
Kabeer's Lord and Master is joyous and blissful; He does not care about anyone's social class. ||2||9||
Salok, Kabeer:
The battle-drum beats in the sky of the mind; aim is taken, and the wound is inflicted.
The spiritual warriors enter the field of battle; now is the time to fight! ||1||
He alone is known as a spiritual hero, who fights in defense of religion.
He may be cut apart, piece by piece, but he never leaves the field of battle. ||2||2||
Shabad Of Kabeer, Raag Maaroo, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
I have obtained the four kinds of liberation, and the four miraculous spiritual powers, in the Sanctuary of God, my Husband Lord.
I am liberated, and famous throughout the four ages; the canopy of praise and fame waves over my head. ||1||
Meditating on the Sovereign Lord God, who has not been saved?
Whoever follows the Guru's Teachings and joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is called the most devoted of the devotees. ||1||Pause||
He is adorned with the conch, the chakra, the mala and the ceremonial tilak mark on his forehead; gazing upon his radiant glory, the Messenger of Death is scared away.
He becomes fearless, and the power of the Lord thunders through him; the pains of birth and death are taken away. ||2||
The Lord blessed Ambreek with fearless dignity, and elevated Bhabhikhan to become king.
Sudama's Lord and Master blessed him with the nine treasures; he made Dhroo permanent and unmoving; as the north star, he still hasn't moved. ||3||
For the sake of His devotee Prahlaad, God assumed the form of the man-lion, and killed Harnaakhash.
Says Naam Dayv, the beautiful-haired Lord is in the power of His devotees; He is standing at Balraja's door, even now! ||4||1||
Maaroo, Kabeer Jee:
You have forgotten your religion, O madman; you have forgotten your religion.
You fill your belly, and sleep like an animal; you have wasted and lost this human life. ||1||Pause||
You never joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. You are engrossed in false pursuits.
You wander like a dog, a pig, a crow; soon, you shall have to get up and leave. ||1||
You believe that you yourself are great, and that others are small.
Those who are false in thought, word and deed, I have seen them going to hell. ||2||
The lustful, the angry, the clever, the deceitful and the lazy
waste their lives in slander, and never remember their Lord in meditation. ||3||
Says Kabeer, the fools, the idiots and the brutes do not remember the Lord.
They do not know the Lord's Name; how can they be carried across? ||4||1||