You are the Giver of peace; You merge them into Yourself.
Everything comes from the One and only Lord; there is no other at all.
The Gurmukh realizes this, and understands. ||9||
The fifteen lunar days, the seven days of the week,
the months, seasons, days and nights, come over and over again;
so the world goes on.
Coming and going were created by the Creator Lord.
The True Lord remains steady and stable, by His almighty power.
O Nanak, how rare is that Gurmukh who understands, and contemplates the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||10||1||
Bilaaval, Third Mehl:
The Primal Lord Himself formed the Universe.
The beings and creatures are engrossed in emotional attachment to Maya.
In the love of duality, they are attached to the illusory material world.
The unfortunate ones die, and continue to come and go.
Meeting with the True Guru, understanding is obtained.
Then, the illusion of the material world is shattered, and one merges in Truth. ||1||
One who has such pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon his forehead
- the One God abides within his mind. ||1||Pause||
He created the Universe, and He Himself beholds all.
No one can erase Your record, Lord.
If someone calls himself a Siddha or a seeker,
he is deluded by doubt, and will continue coming and going.
That humble being alone understands, who serves the True Guru.
Conquering his ego, he finds the Lord's Door. ||2||
From the One Lord, all others were formed.
The One Lord is pervading everywhere; there is no other at all.
Renouncing duality, one comes to know the One Lord.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one knows the Lord's Door, and His Banner.
Meeting the True Guru, one finds the One Lord.
Duality is subdued within. ||3||
One who belongs to the All-powerful Lord and Master
no one can destroy him.
The Lord's servant remains under His protection;
The Lord Himself forgives him, and blesses him with glorious greatness.
There is none higher than Him.
Why should he be afraid? What should he ever fear? ||4||
Through the Guru's Teachings, peace and tranquility abide within the body.
Remember the Word of the Shabad, and you shall never suffer pain.
You shall not have to come or go, or suffer in sorrow.
Imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you shall merge in celestial peace.
O Nanak, the Gurmukh beholds Him ever-present, close at hand.
My God is always fully pervading everywhere. ||5||
Some are selfless servants, while others wander, deluded by doubt.
The Lord Himself does, and causes everything to be done.
The One Lord is all-pervading; there is no other at all.
The mortal might complain, if there were any other.
Serve the True Guru; this is the most excellent action.
In the Court of the True Lord, you shall be judged true. ||6||
All the lunar days, and the days of the week are beautiful, when one contemplates the Shabad.
If one serves the True Guru, he obtains the fruits of his rewards.
The omens and days all come and go.
But the Word of the Guru's Shabad is eternal and unchanging. Through it, one merges in the True Lord.
The days are auspicious, when one is imbued with Truth.
Without the Name, all the false ones wander deluded. ||7||
The self-willed manmukhs die, and dead, they fall into the most evil state.
They do not remember the One Lord; they are deluded by duality.
The human body is unconscious, ignorant and blind.
Without the Word of the Shabad, how can anyone cross over?
The Creator Himself creates.
He Himself contemplates the Guru's Word. ||8||
The religious fanatics wear all sorts of religious robes.
They roll around and wander around, like the false dice on the board.
They find no peace, here or hereafter.