But when the oil is burnt, the wick goes out, and the mansion becomes desolate. ||1||
O mad-man, no one will keep you, for even a moment.
Meditate on the Name of that Lord. ||1||Pause||
Tell me, whose mother is that, whose father is that, and which man has a wife?
When the pitcher of the body breaks, no one cares for you at all. Everyone says, "Take him away, take him away!" ||2||
Sitting on the threshold, his mother cries, and his brothers take away the coffin.
Taking down her hair, his wife cries out in sorrow, and the swan-soul departs all alone. ||3||
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints, about the terrifying world-ocean.
This human suffers torture and the Messenger of Death will not leave him alone, O Lord of the World. ||4||9|| Dho-Thukay
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Aasaa Of Kabeer Jee, Chau-Padhay, Ek-Thukay:
Brahma wasted his life away, continually reading the Vedas. ||1||
Churn the churn of the Lord, O my Siblings of Destiny.
Churn it steadily, so that the essence, the butter, may not be lost. ||1||Pause||
Make your body the churning jar, and use the stick of your mind to churn it.
Gather the curds of the Word of the Shabad. ||2||
The churning of the Lord is to reflect upon Him within your mind.
By Guru's Grace, the Ambrosial Nectar flows into us. ||3||
Says Kabeer, if the Lord, our King casts His Glance of Grace,
one is carried across to the other side, holding fast to the Lord's Name. ||4||1||10||
The wick has dried up, and the oil is exhausted.
The drum does not sound, and the actor has gone to sleep. ||1||
The fire has gone out, and no smoke is produced.
The One Lord is pervading and permeating everywhere; there is no other second. ||1||Pause||
The string has broken, and the guitar makes no sound.
He mistakenly ruins his own affairs. ||2||
When one comes to understand,
He forgets his preaching, ranting and raving, and arguing. ||3||
Says Kabeer, the state of supreme dignity is never far
From those who conquer the five demons of the body passions. ||4||2||11||
As many mistakes as the son commits,
his mother does not hold them against him in her mind. ||1||
O Lord, I am Your child.
Why not destroy my sins? ||1||Pause||
If the son, in anger, runs away,
even then, his mother does not hold it against him in her mind. ||2||
My mind has fallen into the whirlpool of anxiety.
Without the Naam, how can I cross over to the other side? ||3||
Please, bless my body with pure and lasting understanding, Lord;
in peace and poise, Kabeer chants the Praises of the Lord. ||4||3||12||
My pilgrimage to Mecca is on the banks of the Gomati River;
the spiritual teacher in his yellow robes dwells there. ||1||
Waaho! Waaho! Hail! Hail! How wondrously he sings.
The Name of the Lord is pleasing to my mind. ||1||Pause||