Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:
Meeting the True Guru, all my sufferings have ended, and the Peace of the Lord has come to dwell within my mind.
The Divine Light illuminates my inner being, and I am lovingly absorbed in the One.
Meeting with the Holy Saint, my face is radiant; I have realized my pre-ordained destiny.
I constantly sing the Glories of the Lord of the Universe. Through the True Name, I have become spotlessly pure. ||1||
O my mind, you shall find peace through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Working for the Perfect Guru, no one goes away empty-handed. ||1||Pause||
The desires of the mind are fulfilled, when the Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is obtained.
The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is always with you; recognize Him as the Creator.
By Guru's Grace, your face shall be radiant. Chanting the Naam, you shall receive the benefits of giving charity and taking cleansing baths.
Sexual desire, anger and greed are eliminated, and all egotistical pride is abandoned. ||2||
The Profit of the Naam is obtained, and all affairs are brought to fruition.
In His Mercy, God unites us with Himself, and He blesses us with the Naam.
My comings and goings in reincarnation have come to an end; He Himself has bestowed His Mercy.
I have obtained my home in the True Mansion of His Presence, realizing the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||3||
His humble devotees are protected and saved; He Himself showers His Blessings upon us.
In this world and in the world hereafter, radiant are the faces of those who cherish and enshrine the Glories of the True Lord.
Twenty-four hours a day, they lovingly dwell upon His Glories; they are imbued with His Infinite Love.
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to the Supreme Lord God, the Ocean of Peace. ||4||11||81||
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:
If we meet the Perfect True Guru, we obtain the Treasure of the Shabad.
Please grant Your Grace, God, that we may meditate on Your Ambrosial Naam.
The pains of birth and death are taken away; we are intuitively centered on His Meditation. ||1||
O my mind, seek the Sanctuary of God.
Without the Lord, there is no other at all. Meditate on the One and only Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
His Value cannot be estimated; He is the Vast Ocean of Excellence.
O most fortunate ones, join the Sangat, the Blessed Congregation; purchase the True Word of the Shabad.
Serve the Lord, the Ocean of Peace, the Supreme Lord over kings and emperors. ||2||
I take the Support of the Lord's Lotus Feet; there is no other place of rest for me.
I lean upon You as my Support, O Supreme Lord God. I exist only by Your Power.
O God, You are the Honor of the dishonored. I seek to merge with You. ||3||
Chant the Lord's Name and contemplate the Lord of the World, twenty-four hours a day.
He preserves our soul, our breath of life, body and wealth. By His Grace, He protects our soul.
O Nanak, all pain has been washed away, by the Supreme Lord God, the Forgiver. ||4||12||82||
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:
I have fallen in love with the True Lord. He does not die, He does not come and go.
In separation, He is not separated from us; He is pervading and permeating amongst all.
He is the Destroyer of the pain and suffering of the meek. He bears True Love for His servants.
Wondrous is the Form of the Immaculate One. Through the Guru, I have met Him, O my mother! ||1||
O Siblings of Destiny, make God your Friend.