The Guru is the River, from which the Pure Water is obtained forever; it washes away the filth and pollution of evil-mindedness.
Finding the True Guru, the perfect cleansing bath is obtained, which transforms even beasts and ghosts into gods. ||2||
He is said to be the Guru, with the scent of sandalwood, who is imbued with the True Name to the bottom of His Heart.
By His Fragrance, the world of vegetation is perfumed. Lovingly focus yourself on His Feet. ||3||
The life of the soul wells up for the Gurmukh; the Gurmukh goes to the House of God.
The Gurmukh, O Nanak, merges in the True One; the Gurmukh attains the exalted state of the self. ||4||6||
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:
By Guru's Grace, contemplate spiritual knowledge; read it and study it, and you shall be honored.
Within the self, the self is revealed, when one is blessed with the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||
O Creator Lord, You alone are my Benefactor.
I beg for only one blessing from You: please bless me with Your Name. ||1||Pause||
The five wandering thieves are captured and held, and the egotistical pride of the mind is subdued.
Visions of corruption, vice and evil-mindedness run away. Such is the spiritual wisdom of God. ||2||
Please bless me with the rice of truth and self-restraint, the wheat of compassion, and the leaf-plate of meditation.
Bless me with the milk of good karma, and the clarified butter, the ghee, of compassion. Such are the gifts I beg of You, Lord. ||3||
Let forgiveness and patience be my milk-cows, and let the calf of my mind intuitively drink in this milk.
I beg for the clothes of modesty and the Lord's Praise; Nanak chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||7||
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:
No one can hold anyone back from coming; how could anyone hold anyone back from going?
He alone thoroughly understands this, from whom all beings come; all are merged and immersed in Him. ||1||
Waaho! - You are Great, and Wondrous is Your Will.
Whatever You do, surely comes to pass. Nothing else can happen. ||1||Pause||
The buckets on the chain of the Persian wheel rotate; one empties out to fill another.
This is just like the Play of our Lord and Master; such is His Glorious Greatness. ||2||
Following the path of intuitive awareness, one turns away from the world, and one's vision is enlightened.
Contemplate this in your mind, and see, O spiritual teacher. Who is the householder, and who is the renunciate? ||3||
Hope comes from the Lord; surrendering to Him, we remain in the state of nirvaanaa.
We come from Him; surrendering to Him, O Nanak, one is approved as a householder, and a renunciate. ||4||8||
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:
I am a sacrifice to that one who binds in bondage his evil and corrupted gaze.
One who does not know the difference between vice and virtue wanders around uselessly. ||1||
Speak the True Name of the Creator Lord.
Then, you shall never again have to come into this world. ||1||Pause||
The Creator transforms the high into the low, and makes the lowly into kings.
Those who know the All-knowing Lord are approved and certified as perfect in this world. ||2||
If anyone is mistaken and fooled, you should go to instruct him.