I cannot describe Your Manifestations, O Treasure of Excellence, O Giver of peace.
God is Inaccessible, Incomprehensible and Imperishable; He is known through the Perfect Guru. ||2||
My doubt and fear have been taken away, and I have been made pure, since my ego was conquered.
My fear of birth and death has been abolished, beholding Your Blessed Vision in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||3||
I wash the Guru's Feet and serve Him; I am a sacrifice to Him, 100,000 times.
By His Grace, servant Nanak has crossed over this terrifying world-ocean; I am united with my Beloved. ||4||7||128||
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:
Who can please You, except You Yourself?
Gazing upon Your Beauteous Form, all are entranced. ||1||Pause||
In the heavenly paradise, in the nether regions of the underworld, on the planet earth and throughout the galaxies, the One Lord is pervading everywhere.
Everyone calls upon You with their palms pressed together, saying, "Shiva, Shiva". O Merciful Lord and Master, everyone cries out for Your Help. ||1||
Your Name, O Lord and Master, is the Purifier of sinners, the Giver of peace, immaculate, cooling and soothing.
O Nanak, spiritual wisdom, meditation and glorious greatness come from dialogue and discourse with Your Saints. ||2||8||129||
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:
Meet with me, O my Dear Beloved.
O God, whatever You do - that alone happens. ||1||Pause||
Wandering around through countless incarnations, I endured pain and suffering in so many lives, over and over again.
By Your Grace, I obtained this human body; grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Sovereign Lord King. ||1||
That which pleases His Will has come to pass; no one else can do anything.
By Your Will, enticed by the illusion of emotional attachment, the people are asleep; they do not wake up. ||2||
Please hear my prayer, O Lord of Life, O Beloved, Ocean of mercy and compassion.
Save me, O my Father God. I am an orphan - please, cherish me! ||3||
You reveal the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, for the sake of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Grant Your Grace, and bless us with the dust of the feet of the Saints; Nanak yearns for this peace. ||4||9||130||
Gauree, Fifth Mehl:
I am a sacrifice to those
who take the Support of the Naam. ||1||Pause||
How can I recount the praises of those humble beings who are attuned to the Love of the Supreme Lord God?
Peace, intuitive poise and bliss are with them. There are no other givers equal to them. ||1||
They have come to save the world - those humble beings who thirst for His Blessed Vision.
Those who seek their Sanctuary are carried across; in the Society of the Saints, their hopes are fulfilled. ||2||
If I fall at their Feet, then I live; associating with those humble beings, I remain happy.
O God, please be merciful to me, that my mind might become the dust of the feet of Your devotees. ||3||
Power and authority, youth and age - whatever is seen in this world, all of it shall fade away.
The treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is forever new and immaculate. Nanak has earned this wealth of the Lord. ||4||10||131||