Raag Basant, First Mehl, First House, Chau-Padhay, Dho-Thukay:
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace:
Among the months, blessed is this month, when spring always comes.
Blossom forth, O my consciousness, contemplating the Lord of the Universe, forever and ever. ||1||
O ignorant one, forget your egotistical intellect.
Subdue your ego, and contemplate Him in your mind; gather in the virtues of the Sublime, Virtuous Lord. ||1||Pause||
Karma is the tree, the Lord's Name the branches, Dharmic faith the flowers, and spiritual wisdom the fruit.
Realization of the Lord are the leaves, and eradication of the pride of the mind is the shade. ||2||
Whoever sees the Lord's Creative Power with his eyes, and hears the Guru's Bani with his ears, and utters the True Name with his mouth,
attains the perfect wealth of honor, and intuitively focuses his meditation on the Lord. ||3||
The months and the seasons come; see, and do your deeds.
O Nanak, those Gurmukhs who remain merged in the Lord do not wither away; they remain green forever. ||4||1||
First Mehl, Basant:
The season of spring, so delightful, has come.
Those who are imbued with love for You, O Lord, chant Your Name with joy.
Whom else should I worship? At whose feet should I bow? ||1||
I am the slave of Your slaves, O my Sovereign Lord King.
O Life of the Universe, there is no other way to meet You. ||1||Pause||
You have only One Form, and yet You have countless forms.
Which one should I worship? Before which one should I burn incense?
Your limits cannot be found. How can anyone find them?
I am the slave of Your slaves, O my Sovereign Lord King. ||2||
The cycles of years and the places of pilgrimage are Yours, O Lord.
Your Name is True, O Transcendent Lord God.
Your State cannot be known, O Eternal, Unchanging Lord God.
Although You are unknown, still we chant Your Name. ||3||
What can poor Nanak say?
All people praise the One Lord.
Nanak places his head on the feet of such people.
I am a sacrifice to Your Names, as many as there are, O Lord. ||4||2||
Basant, First Mehl:
The kitchen is golden, and the cooking pots are golden.
The lines marking the cooking square are silver.
The water is from the Ganges, and the firewood is sanctified.
The food is soft rice, cooked in milk. ||1||
O my mind, these things are worthless,