By Guru's Grace, perform good deeds.
Imbued with the Naam, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||5||
Serving the Guru, I have come to understand myself.
The Ambrosial Naam, the Giver of Peace, abides within my mind.
Night and day, I am imbued with the Word of the Guru's Bani, and the Naam. ||6||
When my God attaches someone to Him, only then is that person attached.
Conquering ego, he remains awake to the Word of the Shabad.
Here and hereafter, he enjoys lasting peace. ||7||
The fickle mind does not know the way.
The filthy self-willed manmukh does not understand the Shabad.
The Gurmukh chants the Immaculate Naam. ||8||
I offer my prayer to the Lord,
that I might dwell in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
There, sins and sufferings are erased, and one is illumined with the Lord's Name. ||9||
In reflective meditation, I have come to love good conduct.
Through the Word of the True Guru, I recognize the One Lord.
O Nanak, my mind is imbued with the Lord's Name. ||10||7||
Aasaa, First Mehl:
The mind of the faithless cynic is like a crazy elephant.
It wanders around the forest, distracted by attachment to Maya.
It goes here and there, hounded by death.
The Gurmukh seeks, and finds his own home. ||1||
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the mind finds no place of rest.
Remember in meditation the Lord's Name, the most pure and sublime; renounce your bitter egotism. ||1||Pause||
Tell me, how can this stupid mind be rescued?
Without understanding, it shall suffer the pains of death.
The Lord Himself forgives us, and unites us with the True Guru.
The True Lord conquers and overcomes the tortures of death. ||2||
This mind commits its deeds of karma, and this mind follows the Dharma.
This mind is born of the five elements.
This foolish mind is perverted and greedy.
Chanting the Naam, the mind of the Gurmukh becomes beautiful. ||3||
The mind of the Gurmukh finds the Lord's home.
The Gurmukh comes to know the three worlds.
This mind is a Yogi, an enjoyer, a practicer of austerities.
The Gurmukh understands the Lord God Himself. ||4||
This mind is a detached renunciate, forsaking egotism.
Desire and duality afflict each and every heart.
The Gurmukh drinks in the Lord's sublime essence;
at His Door, in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, He preserves his honor. ||5||
This mind is the king, the hero of cosmic battles.
The mind of the Gurmukh becomes fearless through the Naam.
Overpowering and subduing the five passions,
holding ego in its grip, it confines them to one place. ||6||
The Gurmukh renounces other songs and tastes.
The mind of the Gurmukh is awakened to devotion.
Hearing the unstruck music of the sound current, this mind contemplates the Shabad, and accepts it.
Understanding itself, this soul becomes attuned to the Formless Lord. ||7||
This mind becomes immaculately pure, in the Court and the Home of the Lord.
The Gurmukh shows his love through loving devotional worship.
Night and day, by Guru's Grace, sing the Lord's Praises.
God dwells in each and every heart, since the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages. ||8||
This mind is intoxicated with the sublime essence of the Lord;
The Gurmukh realizes the essence of totality.
For the sake of devotional worship, he dwells at the Guru's Feet.
Nanak is the humble servant of the slave of the Lord's slaves. ||9||8||