Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
You bless the poor with wealth, O Lord.
Countless sins are taken away, and the mind becomes immaculate and pure.
All the mind's desires are fulfilled, and one's tasks are perfectly accomplished.
You bestow Your Name upon Your devotee. ||1||
Service to the Lord, our Sovereign King, is fruitful and rewarding.
Our Lord and Master is the Creator, the Cause of causes; no one is turned away from His Door empty-handed. ||1||Pause||
God eradicates the disease from the diseased person.
God takes away the sorrows of the suffering.
And those who have no place at all - You seat them upon the place.
You link Your slave to devotional worship. ||2||
God bestows honor on the dishonored.
He makes the foolish and ignorant become clever and wise.
The fear of all fear disappears.
The Lord dwells within the mind of His humble servant. ||3||
The Supreme Lord God is the Treasure of Peace.
The Ambrosial Name of the Lord is the essence of reality.
Granting His Grace, He enjoins the mortals to serve the Saints.
O Nanak, such a person merges in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||4||23||36||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
In the Realm of the Saints, the Lord dwells in the mind.
In the Realm of the Saints, all sins run away.
In the Realm of the Saints, one's lifestyle is immaculate.
In the Society of the Saints, one comes to love the One Lord. ||1||
That alone is called the Realm of the Saints,
where only the Glorious Praises of the Supreme Lord God are sung. ||1||Pause||
In the Realm of the Saints, birth and death are ended.
In the Realm of the Saints, the Messenger of Death cannot touch the mortal.
In the Society of the Saints, one's speech becomes immaculate
In the realm of the saints, the Lord's Name is chanted. ||2||
The Realm of the Saints is the eternal, ever-stable place.
In the Realm of the Saints, sins are destroyed.
In the Realm of the Saints, the immaculate sermon is spoken.
In the Society of the Saints, the pain of egotism runs away. ||3||
The Realm of the Saints cannot be destroyed.
In the Realm of the Saints, is the Lord, the Treasure of Virtue.
The Realm of the Saints is the resting place of our Lord and Master.
O Nanak, He is woven into the fabric of His devotees, through and through. ||4||24||37||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
Why worry about disease, when the Lord Himself protects us?
That person whom the Lord protects, does not suffer pain and sorrow.
That person, upon whom God showers His Mercy
- Death hovering above him is turned away. ||1||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is forever our Help and Support.
When He comes to mind, the mortal finds lasting peace, and the Messenger of Death cannot even approach him. ||1||Pause||
When this being did not exist, who created him then?
What has been produced from the source?
He Himself kills, and He Himself rejuvenates.
He cherishes His devotees forever. ||2||
Know that everything is in His Hands.
My God is the Master of the masterless.
His Name is the Destroyer of pain.
Singing His Glorious Praises, you shall find peace. ||3||
O my Lord and Master, please listen to the prayer of Your Saint.
I place my soul, my breath of life and wealth before You.
All this world is Yours; it meditates on You.