The True Guru is the Ocean of Virtue of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. I have such a yearning to see Him!
Without Him, I cannot live, even for an instant. If I do not see Him, I die. ||6||
As the fish cannot survive at all without water,
the Saint cannot live without the Lord. Without the Lord's Name, he dies. ||7||
I am so much in love with my True Guru! How could I even live without the Guru, O my mother?
I have the Support of the Word of the Guru's Bani. Attached to Gurbani, I survive. ||8||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is a jewel; by the Pleasure of His Will, the Guru has given it, O my mother.
The True Name is my only Support. I remain lovingly absorbed in the Lord's Name. ||9||
The wisdom of the Guru is the treasure of the Naam. The Guru implants and enshrines the Lord's Name.
He alone receives it, he alone gets it, who comes and falls at the Guru's Feet. ||10||
If only someone would come and tell me the Unspoken Speech of the Love of my Beloved.
I would dedicate my mind to him; I would bow down in humble respect, and fall at his feet. ||11||
You are my only Friend, O my All-knowing, All-powerful Creator Lord.
You have brought me to meet with my True Guru. Forever and ever, You are my only strength. ||12||
My True Guru, forever and ever, does not come and go.
He is the Imperishable Creator Lord; He is permeating and pervading among all. ||13||
I have gathered in the wealth of the Lord's Name. My facilities and faculties are intact, safe and sound.
O Nanak, I am approved and respected in the Court of the Lord; the Perfect Guru has blessed me! ||14||1||2||11||
Raag Soohee, Ashtpadheeyaa, Fifth Mehl, First House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
He is entangled in sinful associations;
his mind is troubled by so very many waves. ||1||
O my mind, how can the Unapproachable and Incomprehensible Lord be found?
He is the Perfect Transcendent Lord. ||1||Pause||
He remains entangled in the intoxication of worldly love.
His excessive thirst is never quenched. ||2||
Anger is the outcaste which hides within his body;
he is in the utter darkness of ignorance, and he does not understand. ||3||
Afflicted by doubt, the shutters are shut tight;
he cannot go to God's Court. ||4||
The mortal is bound and gagged by hope and fear;
he cannot find the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, and so he wanders around like a stranger. ||5||
He falls under the power of all negative influences;
he wanders around thirsty like a fish out of water. ||6||
I have no clever tricks or techniques;
You are my only hope, O my Lord God Master. ||7||
Nanak offers this prayer to the Saints
- please let me merge and blend with You. ||8||
God has shown Mercy, and I have found the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Nanak is satisfied, finding the Perfect Lord. ||1||Second Pause||1||
Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Third House: