God has showered His Mercy on servant Nanak; He has lifted him up, and rescued him from the ocean of poison. ||4||6||
Malaar, Fourth Mehl:
Those who do not drink in the Ambrosial Nectar by Guru's Grace - their thirst and hunger are not relieved.
The foolish self-willed manmukh burns in the fire of egotistical pride; he suffers painfully in egotism.
Coming and going, he wastes his life uselessly; afflicted with pain, he regrets and repents.
He does not even think of the One, from whom he originated. Cursed is his life, and cursed is his food. ||1||
O mortal, as Gurmukh, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
The Lord, Har, Har, in His Mercy leads the mortal to meet the Guru; he is absorbed in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||
The life of the self-willed manmukh is useless; he comes and goes in shame.
In sexual desire and anger, the proud ones are drowned. They are burnt in their egotism.
They do not attain perfection or understanding; their intellect is dimmed. Tossed by the waves of greed, they suffer in pain.
Without the Guru, they suffer in terrible pain. Seized by Death, they weep and wail. ||2||
As Gurmukh, I have attained the Unfathomable Name of the Lord, with intuitive peace and poise.
The treasure of the Naam abides deep within my heart. My tongue sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
I am forever in bliss, day and night, lovingly attuned to the One Word of the Shabad.
I have obtained the treasure of the Naam with intuitive ease; this is the glorious greatness of the True Guru. ||3||
Through the True Guru, the Lord, Har, Har, comes to dwell within my mind. I am forever a sacrifice to the True Guru.
I have dedicated my mind and body to Him, and placed everything before Him in offering. I focus my consciousness on His Feet.
Please be merciful to me, O my Perfect Guru, and unite me with Yourself.
I am just iron; the Guru is the boat, to carry me across. ||4||7||
Malaar, Fourth Mehl, Partaal, Third House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The humble servant of the Lord chants the Name of the Supreme Lord; he joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Lord's Holy. ||1||Pause||
Deal only in the wealth of the Lord, and gather only the wealth of the Lord. No thief can ever steal it. ||1||
The rainbirds and the peacocks sing day and night, hearing the thunder in the clouds. ||2||
Whatever the deer, the fish and the birds sing, they chant to the Lord, and no other. ||3||
Servant Nanak sings the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises; the sound and fury of Death has totally gone away. ||4||1||8||
Malaar, Fourth Mehl:
They speak and chant the Name of the Lord, Raam, Raam; the very fortunate ones seek Him.
Whoever shows me the Way of the Lord - I fall at his feet. ||1||Pause||
The Lord is my Friend and Compansion; I am in love with the Lord.