I have tasted many flavors, and worn many robes,
but without my Husband Lord, my youth is slipping away uselessly; I am separated from Him, and I cry out in pain. ||5||
I have heard the True Lord's message, contemplating the Guru.
True is the home of the True Lord; by His Gracious Grace, I love Him. ||6||
The spiritual teacher applies the ointment of Truth to his eyes, and sees God, the Seer.
The Gurmukh comes to know and understand; ego and pride are subdued. ||7||
O Lord, You are pleased with those who are like Yourself; there are many more like me.
O Nanak, the Husband does not separate from those who are imbued with Truth. ||8||1||9||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
Neither the sisters, nor the sisters-in-law, nor the mothers-in-law, shall remain.
The true relationship with the Lord cannot be broken; it was established by the Lord, O sister soul-brides. ||1||
I am a sacrifice to my Guru; I am forever a sacrifice to Him.
Wandering so far without the Guru, I grew weary; now, the Guru has united me in Union with my Husband Lord. ||1||Pause||
Aunts, uncles, grandparents and sisters-in-law
- they all come and go; they cannot remain. They are like boatloads of passengers embarking. ||2||
Uncles, aunts, and cousins of all sorts, cannot remain.
The caravans are full, and great crowds of them are loading up at the riverbank. ||3||
O sister-friends, my Husband Lord is dyed in the color of Truth.
She who lovingly remembers her True Husband Lord is not separated from Him again. ||4||
All the seasons are good, in which the soul-bride falls in love with the True Lord.
That soul-bride, who knows her Husband Lord, sleeps in peace, night and day. ||5||
At the ferry, the ferryman announces, "O travellers, hurry up and cross over."
I have seen them crossing over there, on the boat of the True Guru. ||6||
Some are getting on board, and some have already set out; some are weighed down with their loads.
Those who deal in Truth, remain with their True Lord God. ||7||
I am not called good, and I see none who are bad.
O Nanak, one who conquers and subdues his ego, becomes just like the True Lord. ||8||2||10||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
I do not believe that anyone is foolish; I do not believe that anyone is clever.
Imbued forever with the Love of my Lord and Master, I chant His Name, night and day. ||1||
O Baba, I am so foolish, but I am a sacrifice to the Name.
You are the Creator, You are wise and all-seeing. Through Your Name, we are carried across. ||1||Pause||
The same person is foolish and wise; the same light within has two names.
The most foolish of the foolish are those who do not believe in the Name. ||2||
Through the Guru's Gate, the Gurdwara, the Name is obtained. Without the True Guru, it is not received.
Through the Pleasure of the True Guru's Will, the Name comes to dwell in the mind, and then, night and day, one remains lovingly absorbed in the Lord. ||3||
In power, pleasures, beauty, wealth and youth, one gambles his life away.
Bound by the Hukam of God's Command, the dice are thrown; he is just a piece in the game of chess. ||4||
The world is clever and wise, but it is deluded by doubt, and forgets the Name; the Pandit, the religious scholar, studies the scriptures, but he is still a fool.
Forgetting the Name, he dwells upon the Vedas; he writes, but he is confused by his poisonous corruption. ||5||