One who does not savor the taste of the Shabad, who does not love the Naam, the Name of the Lord,
and who speaks insipid words with his tongue, is ruined, again and again.
O Nanak, he acts according to the karma of his past actions, which no one can erase. ||2||
Blessed, blessed is the True Being, my True Guru; meeting Him, I have found peace.
Blessed, blessed is the True Being, my True Guru; meeting Him, I have attained the Lord's devotional worship.
Blessed, blessed is the Lord's devotee, my True Guru; serving Him, I have come to enshrine love for the Name of the Lord.
Blessed, blessed is the Knower of the Lord, my True Guru; He has taught me to look upon friend and foe alike.
Blessed, blessed is the True Guru, my best friend; He has led me to embrace love for the Name of the Lord. ||19||
Salok, First Mehl:
The soul-bride is at home, while the Husband Lord is away; she cherishes His memory, and mourns His absence.
She shall meet Him without delay, if she rids herself of duality. ||1||
First Mehl:
O Nanak, false is the speech of one who acts without loving the Lord.
He judges things to be good, only as long as the Lord gives and he receives. ||2||
The Lord, who created the creatures, also protects them.
I have tasted the food of Ambrosial Nectar, the True Name.
I am satisfied and satiated, and my hunger is appeased.
The One Lord is pervading in all, but rare are those who realize this.
Servant Nanak is enraptured, in the Protection of God. ||20||
Salok, Third Mehl:
All the living beings of the world behold the True Guru.
One is not liberated by merely seeing Him, unless one contemplates the Word of His Shabad.
The filth of ego is not removed, and he does not enshrine love for the Naam.
The Lord forgives some, and unites them with Himself; they forsake their duality and sinful ways.
O Nanak, some behold the Blessed Vision of the True Guru's Darshan, with love and affection; conquering their ego, they meet with the Lord. ||1||
Third Mehl:
The foolish, blind clown does not serve the True Guru.
In love with duality, he endures terrible suffering, and burning, he cries out in pain.
He forgets the Guru, for the sake of mere objects, but they will not come to his rescue in the end.
Through the Guru's Instructions, Nanak has found peace; the Forgiving Lord has forgiven him. ||2||
You Yourself, all by Yourself, are the Creator of all. If there were any other, then I would speak of another.
The Lord Himself speaks, and causes us to speak; He Himself is pervading the water and the land.
The Lord Himself destroys, and the Lord Himself saves. O mind, seek and remain in the Lord's Sanctuary.
Other than the Lord, no one can kill or rejuvenate. O mind, do not be anxious - remain fearless.
While standing, sitting, and sleeping, forever and ever, meditate on the Lord's Name; O servant Nanak, as Gurmukh, you shall attain the Lord. ||21||1||Sudh||