Driven by hunger, it sees the path of Maya's riches; this emotional attachment takes away the treasure of liberation. ||3||
Weeping and wailing, he does not receive them; he searches here and there, and grows weary.
Engrossed in sexual desire, anger and egotism, he falls in love with his false relatives. ||4||
He eats and enjoys, listens and watches, and dresses up to show off in this house of death.
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he does not undersand himself. Without the Lord's Name, death cannot be avoided. ||5||
The more attachment and egotism delude and confuse him, the more he cries out, "Mine, mine!", and the more he loses out.
His body and wealth pass away, and he is torn by skepticism and cynicism; in the end, he regrets and repents, when the dust falls on his face. ||6||
He grows old, his body and youth waste away, and his throat is plugged with mucous; water flows from his eyes.
He feet fail him, and his hands shake and tremble; the faithless cynic does not enshrine the Lord in his heart. ||7||
His intellect fails him, his black hair turns white, and no one wants to keep him in their home.
Forgetting the Naam, these are the stigmas which stick to him; the Messenger of Death beats him, and drags him to hell. ||8||
The record of one's past actions cannot be erased; who else is to blame for one's birth and death?
Without the Guru, life and death are pointless; without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, life just burns away. ||9||
The pleasures enjoyed in happiness bring ruin; acting in corruption is useless indulgence.
Forgetting the Naam, and caught by greed, he betrays his own source; the club of the Righteous Judge of Dharma will strike him over the head. ||10||
The Gurmukhs sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name; the Lord God blesses them with His Glance of Grace.
Those beings are pure, perfect unlimited and infinite; in this world, they are the embodiment of the Guru, the Lord of the Universe. ||11||
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord; meditate and contemplate the Guru's Word, and love to associate with the humble servants of the Lord.
The Lord's humble servants are the embodiment of the Guru; they are supreme and respected in the Court of the Lord. Nanak seeks the dust of the feet of those humble servants of the Lord. ||12||8||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Maaroo, Kaafee, First Mehl, Second House:
The double-minded person comes and goes, and has numerous friends.
The soul-bride is separated from her Lord, and she has no place of rest; how can she be comforted? ||1||
My mind is attuned to the Love of my Husband Lord.
I am devoted, dedicated, a sacrifice to the Lord; if only He would bless me with His Glance of Grace, even for an instant! ||1||Pause||
I am a rejected bride, abandoned in my parents' home; how can I go to my in-laws now?
I wear my faults around my neck; without my Husband Lord, I am grieving, and wasting away to death. ||2||
But if, in my parents' home, I remember my Husband Lord, then I will come to dwell in the home of my in-laws yet.
The happy soul-brides sleep in peace; they find their Husband Lord, the treasure of virtue. ||3||
Their blankets and mattresses are made of silk, and so are the clothes on their bodies.
The Lord rejects the impure soul-brides. Their life-night passes in misery. ||4||