God the Cosmic Husband dwells within all hearts; without Him, there is no heart at all.
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are the happy, virtuous soul-brides; the Lord is revealed to them. ||19||
If you desire to play this game of love with Me,
then step onto My Path with your head in hand.
When you place your feet on this Path,
give Me your head, and do not pay any attention to public opinion. ||20||
False is friendship with the false and greedy. False is its foundation.
O Moollah, no one knows where death shall strike. ||21||
Without spiritual wisdom, the people worship ignorance.
They grope in the darkness, in the love of duality. ||22||
Without the Guru, there is no spiritual wisdom; without Dharma, there is no meditation.
Without Truth, there is no credit; without capital, there is no balance. ||23||
The mortals are sent into the world; then, they arise and depart.
There is no joy in this. ||24||
Raam Chand, sad at heart, assembled his army and forces.
The army of monkeys was at his service; his mind and body became eager for war.
Raawan captured his wife Sita, and Lachhman was cursed to die.
O Nanak, the Creator Lord is the Doer of all; He watches over all, and destroys what He has created. ||25||
In his mind, Raam Chand mourned for Sita and Lachhman.
Then, he remembered Hanuman the monkey-god, who came to him.
The misguided demon did not understand that God is the Doer of deeds.
O Nanak, the actions of the Self-existent Lord cannot be erased. ||26||
The city of Lahore suffered terrible destruction for four hours. ||27||
Third Mehl:
The city of Lahore is a pool of ambrosial nectar, the home of praise. ||28||
First Mehl:
What are the signs of a prosperous person? His stores of food never run out.
Prosperity dwells in his home, with the sounds of girls and women.
All the women of his home shout and cry over useless things.
Whatever he takes, he does not give back. Seeking to earn more and more, he is troubled and uneasy. ||29||
O lotus, your leaves were green, and your blossoms were gold.
What pain has burnt you, and made your body black? O Nanak, my body is battered.
I have not received that water which I love.
Seeing it, my body blossomed forth, and I was blessed with a deep and beautiful color. ||30||
No one lives long enough to accomplish all he wishes.
Only the spiritually wise live forever; they are honored for their intuitive awareness.
Bit by bit, life passes away, even though the mortal tries to hold it back.
O Nanak, unto whom should we complain? Death takes one's life away without anyone's consent. ||31||
Do not blame the Sovereign Lord; when someone grows old, his intellect leaves him.
The blind man talks and babbles, and then falls into the ditch. ||32||
All that the Perfect Lord does is perfect; there is not too little, or too much.
O Nanak, knowing this as Gurmukh, the mortal merges into the Perfect Lord God. ||33||