Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
Everything is pre-ordained; what else can be known through study?
The errant child has been forgiven by the Supreme Lord God. ||1||
My True Guru is always merciful; He has saved me, the meek one.
He has cured me of my disease, and I have obtained the greatest peace; He has placed the Ambrosial Name of the Lord in my mouth. ||1||Pause||
He has washed away my countless sins; He has cut away my bonds, and I am liberated.
He has taken me by the arm, and pulled me out of the terrible, deep dark pit. ||2||
I have become fearless, and all my fears have been erased. The Savior Lord has saved me.
Such is Your generosity, O my God, that You have resolved all my affairs. ||3||
My mind has met with my Lord and Master, the treasure of excellence.
Taking to His Sanctuary, Nanak has become blissful. ||4||9||48||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
If I forget You, then everyone becomes my enemy. When You come to mind, then they serve me.
I do not know any other at all, O True, Invisible, Inscrutable Lord. ||1||
When You come to mind, You are always merciful to me; what can the poor people do to me?
Tell me, who should I call good or bad, since all beings are Yours? ||1||Pause||
You are my Shelter, You are my Support; giving me Your hand, You protect me.
That humble being, upon whom You bestow Your Grace, is not touched by slander or suffering. ||2||
That is peace, and that is greatness, which is pleasing to the mind of the Dear Lord God.
You are all-knowing, You are forever compassionate; obtaining Your Name, I revel in it and make merry. ||3||
I offer my prayer to You; my body and soul are all Yours.
Says Nanak, this is all Your greatness; no one even knows my name. ||4||10||49||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
Show Your Mercy, O God, O Searcher of hearts, that in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I might obtain You, Lord.
When You open Your Door, and reveal the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, the mortal is not relegated to reincarnation again. ||1||
Meeting with my Beloved Lord aand Master, all my pains are taken away.
I am saved and carried across, in the company of those who remember the Supreme Lord God in their hearts. ||1||Pause||
This world is a great wilderness, an ocean of fire, in which mortals abide, in pleasure and pain.
Meeting with the True Guru, the mortal becomes immaculately pure; with his tongue, he chants the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. ||2||
He preserves his body and wealth, and takes everything as his own; such are the subtle bonds which bind him.
By Guru's Grace, the mortal becomes liberated, meditating on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||
God, the Savior, has saved those, who are pleasing to the Will of God.
The soul and body are all Yours, O Great Giver; O Nanak, I am forever a sacrifice. ||4||11||50||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
You have avoided the slumber of attachment and impurity - by whose favor has this happened?
The great enticer does not affect you. Where has your laziness gone? ||1||Pause||