Malaar, The Word Of The Devotee Ravi Daas Jee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
O humble townspeople, I am obviously just a shoemaker.
In my heart I cherish the Glories of the Lord, the Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause||
Even if wine is made from the water of the Ganges, O Saints, do not drink it.
This wine, and any other polluted water which mixes with the Ganges, is not separate from it. ||1||
The palmyra palm tree is considered impure, and so its leaves are considered impure as well.
But if devotional prayers are written on paper made from its leaves, then people bow in reverence and worship before it. ||2||
It is my occupation to prepare and cut leather; each day, I carry the carcasses out of the city.
Now, the important Brahmins of the city bow down before me; Ravi Daas, Your slave, seeks the Sanctuary of Your Name. ||3||1||
Those humble beings who meditate on the Lord's Lotus Feet - none are equal to them.
The Lord is One, but He is diffused in many forms. Bring in, bring in, that All-pervading Lord. ||Pause||
He who writes the Praises of the Lord God, and sees nothing else at all, is a low-class, untouchable fabric-dyer by trade.
The Glory of the Name is seen in the writings of Vyaas and Sanak, throughout the seven continents. ||1||
And he whose family used to kill cows at the festivals of Eed and Bakareed, who worshipped Shayks, martyrs and spiritual teachers,
whose father used to do such things - his son Kabeer became so successful that he is now famous throughout the three worlds. ||2||
And all the leather-workers in those families still go around Benares removing the dead cattle
- the ritualistic Brahmins bow in reverence before their son Ravi Daas, the slave of the Lord's slaves. ||3||2||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
What sort of devotional worship will lead me to meet my Beloved, the Lord of my breath of life?
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have obtained the supreme status. ||Pause||
How long shall I wash these dirty clothes?
How long shall I remain asleep? ||1||
Whatever I was attached to, has perished.
The shop of false merchandise has closed down. ||2||
Says Ravi Daas, when the account is called for and given,
whatever the mortal has done, he shall see. ||3||1||3||