One who eliminates evil-mindedness and duality from within himself, that humble being lovingly focuses his mind on the Lord.
Those, upon whom my Lord and Master bestows His Grace, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, night and day.
Hearing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, I am intuitively drenched with His Love. ||2||
In this age, emancipation comes only from the Lord's Name.
Contemplative meditation on the Word of the Shabad emanates from the Guru.
Contemplating the Guru's Shabad, one comes to love the Lord's Name; he alone obtains it, unto whom the Lord shows Mercy.
In peace and poise, he sings the Lord's Praises day and night, and all sins are eradicated.
All are Yours, and You belong to all. I am Yours, and You are mine.
In this age, emancipation comes only from the Lord's Name. ||3||
The Lord, my Friend has come to dwell within the home of my heart;
singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, one is satisfied and fulfilled.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, one is satisfied forever, never to feel hunger again.
That humble servant of the Lord, who meditates on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is worshipped in the ten directions.
O Nanak, He Himself joins and separates; there is no other than the Lord.
The Lord, my Friend has come to dwell within the home of my heart. ||4||1||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Raag Soohee, Third Mehl, Third House:
The Dear Lord protects His humble devotees; throughout the ages, He has protected them.
Those devotees who become Gurmukh burn away their ego, through the Word of the Shabad.
Those who burn away their ego through the Shabad, become pleasing to my Lord; their speech becomes True.
They perform the Lord's true devotional service, day and night, as the Guru has instructed them.
The devotees' lifestyle is true, and absolutely pure; the True Name is pleasing to their minds.
O Nanak, the those devotees, who practice Truth, and only Truth, look beauteous in the Court of the True Lord. ||1||
The Lord is the social class and honor of His devotees; the Lord's devotees merge in the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
They worship the Lord in devotion, and eradicate self-conceit from within themselves; they understand merits and demerits.
They understand merits and demerits, and chant the Lord's Name; devotional worship is sweet to them.
Night and day, they perform devotional worship, day and night, and in the home of the self, they remain detached.
Imbued with devotion, their minds remain forever immaculate and pure; they see their Dear Lord always with them.
O Nanak, those devotees are True in the Court of the Lord; night and day, they dwell upon the Naam. ||2||
The self-willed manmukhs practice devotional rituals without the True Guru, but without the True Guru, there is no devotion.
They are afflicted with the diseases of egotism and Maya, and they suffer the pains of death and rebirth.
The world suffers the pains of death and rebirth, and through the love of duality, it is ruined; without the Guru, the essence of reality is not known.
Without devotional worship, everyone in the world is deluded and confused, and in the end, they depart with regrets.