Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, with intuitive ease and poise, spiritual wisdom is revealed. ||1||
O my mind, do not think of the Lord as being far away; behold Him ever close at hand.
He is always listening, and always watching over us; the Word of His Shabad is all-pervading everywhere. ||1||Pause||
The Gurmukhs understand their own selves; they meditate single-mindedly on the Lord.
They enjoy their Husband Lord continually; through the True Name, they find peace. ||2||
O my mind, no one belongs to you; contemplate the Shabad, and see this.
So run to the Lord's Sanctuary, and find the gate of salvation. ||3||
Listen to the Shabad, and understand the Shabad, and lovingly focus your consciousness on the True One.
Through the Shabad, conquer your ego, and in the True Mansion of the Lord's Presence, you shall find peace. ||4||
In this age, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is glory; without the Name, there is no glory.
The glory of this Maya lasts for only a few days; it disappears in an instant. ||5||
Those who forget the Naam are already dead, and they continue dying.
They do not enjoy the sublime essence of the Lord's taste; they sink into the manure. ||6||
Some are forgiven by the Lord; He unites them with Himself, and keeps them attached to the Naam, night and day.
They practice Truth, and abide in Truth; being truthful, they merge into Truth. ||7||
Without the Shabad, the world does not hear, and does not see; deaf and blind, it wanders around.
Without the Naam, it obtains only misery; the Naam is received only by His Will. ||8||
Those persons who link their consciousness with the Word of His Bani, are immaculately pure, and approved by the Lord.
O Nanak, they never forget the Naam, and in the Court of the Lord, they are known as true. ||9||13||35||
Aasaa, Third Mehl:
Through the Word of the Shabad, the devotees are known; their words are true.
They eradicate ego from within themselves; they surrender to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and meet with the True One. ||1||
Through the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, His humble servants obtain honor.
How blessed is their coming into the world! Everyone adores them. ||1||Pause||
Ego, self-centeredness, excessive anger and pride are the lot of mankind.
If one dies in the Word of the Shabad, then he is rid of this, and his light is merged into the Light of the Lord God. ||2||
Meeting with the Perfect True Guru, my life has been blessed.
I have obtained the nine treasures of the Naam, and my storehouse is inexhaustible, filled to overflowing. ||3||
Those who love the Naam come as dealers in the merchandise of the Naam.
Those who become Gurmukh obtain this wealth; deep within, they contemplate the Shabad. ||4||
The egotistical, self-willed manmukhs do not appreciate the value of devotional worship.
The Primal Lord Himself has beguiled them; they lose their lives in the gamble. ||5||
Without loving affection, devotional worship is not possible, and the body cannot be at peace.
The wealth of love is obtained from the Guru; through devotion, the mind becomes steady. ||6||
He alone performs devotional worship, whom the Lord so blesses; he contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
The One Name abides in his heart, and he conquers his ego and duality. ||7||
The One Name is the social status and honor of the devotees; the Lord Himself adorns them.
They remain forever in the Protection of His Sanctuary. As it pleases His Will, He arranges their affairs. ||8||