O Baba, he alone receives it, unto whom You give it.
He alone receives it, unto whom You give it; what can the other poor wretched beings do?
Some are deluded by doubt, wandering in the ten directions; some are adorned with attachment to the Naam.
By Guru's Grace, the mind becomes immaculate and pure, for those who follow God's Will.
Says Nanak, he alone receives it, unto whom You give it, O Beloved Lord. ||8||
Come, Beloved Saints, let us speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord.
How can we speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord? Through which door will we find Him?
Surrender body, mind, wealth, and everything to the Guru; obey the Order of His Will, and you will find Him.
Obey the Hukam of the Guru's Command, and sing the True Word of His Bani.
Says Nanak, listen, O Saints, and speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord. ||9||
O fickle mind, through cleverness, no one has found the Lord.
Through cleverness, no one has found Him; listen, O my mind.
This Maya is so fascinating; because of it, people wander in doubt.
This fascinating Maya was created by the One who has administered this potion.
I am a sacrifice to the One who has made emotional attachment sweet.
Says Nanak, O fickle mind, no one has found Him through cleverness. ||10||
O beloved mind, contemplate the True Lord forever.
This family which you see shall not go along with you.
They shall not go along with you, so why do you focus your attention on them?
Don't do anything that you will regret in the end.
Listen to the Teachings of the True Guru - these shall go along with you.
Says Nanak, O beloved mind, contemplate the True Lord forever. ||11||
O inaccessible and unfathomable Lord, Your limits cannot be found.
No one has found Your limits; only You Yourself know.
All living beings and creatures are Your play; how can anyone describe You?
You speak, and You gaze upon all; You created the Universe.
Says Nanak, You are forever inaccessible; Your limits cannot be found. ||12||
The angelic beings and the silent sages search for the Ambrosial Nectar; this Amrit is obtained from the Guru.
This Amrit is obtained, when the Guru grants His Grace; He enshrines the True Lord within the mind.
All living beings and creatures were created by You; only some come to see the Guru, and seek His blessing.
Their greed, avarice and egotism are dispelled, and the True Guru seems sweet.
Says Nanak, those with whom the Lord is pleased, obtain the Amrit, through the Guru. ||13||
The lifestyle of the devotees is unique and distinct.
The devotees' lifestyle is unique and distinct; they follow the most difficult path.
They renounce greed, avarice, egotism and desire; they do not talk too much.
The path they take is sharper than a two-edged sword, and finer than a hair.