First, your social status is high.
Second, you are honored in society.
Third, your home is beautiful.
But you are so ugly, with self-conceit in your mind. ||1||
O beautiful, attractive, wise and clever woman:
you have been trapped by your pride and attachment. ||1||Pause||
Your kitchen is so clean.
You take your bath, and worship, and apply the crimson mark upon your forehead;
with your mouth you speak wisdom, but you are destroyed by pride.
The dog of greed has ruined you in every way. ||2||
You wear your robes and enjoy pleasures;
you practice good conduct to impress people;
you apply scented oils of sandalwood and musk,
but your constant companion is the demon of anger. ||3||
Other people may be your water-carriers;
in this world, you may be a ruler.
Gold, silver and wealth may be yours,
but the goodness of your conduct has been destroyed by sexual promiscuity. ||4||
That soul, upon whom the Lord has bestowed His Glance of Grace,
is delivered from bondage.
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Lord's sublime essence is obtained.
Says Nanak, how fruitful is that body. ||5||
All graces and all comforts shall come to you, as the happy soul-bride;
you shall be supremely beautiful and wise. ||1||Second Pause||12||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Ek-Thukay 2 :
One who is seen to be alive, shall surely die.
But he who is dead shall remain ever-lasting. ||1||
Those who die while yet alive, shall through this death, live on.
They place the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, as medicine in their mouths, and through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Pause||
The clay pot of the body shall be broken.
One who has eliminated the three qualities dwells in the home of his inner self. ||2||
One who climbs high, shall fall into the nether regions of the underworld.
One who lies upon the ground, shall not be touched by death. ||3||
Those who continue to wander around, achieve nothing.
Those who practice the Guru's Teachings, become steady and stable. ||4||
This body and soul all belong to the Lord.
O Nanak, meeting the Guru, I am enraptured. ||5||13||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
The puppet of the body has been fashioned with great skill.
Know for sure that it shall turn to dust. ||1||
Remember your origins, O thoughtless fool.
Why are you so proud of yourself? ||1||Pause||
You are a guest, given three meals a day;
other things are entrusted to you. ||2||
you are just excrement, bones and blood, wrapped up in skin
- this is what you are taking such pride in! ||3||
If you could understand even one thing, then you would be pure.
Without understanding, you shall be forever impure. ||4||
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Guru;
through Him, I obtain the Lord, the All-knowing Primal Being. ||5||14||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Ek-Thukay, Chau-Padhay:
One moment, one day, is for me many days.
My mind cannot survive - how can I meet my Beloved? ||1||
I cannot endure one day, even one instant without Him.