Abandoning your wealth and youth, you will have to leave, without any food or clothing.
O Nanak, only your actions shall go with you; the consequences of your actions cannot be erased. ||1||
Like the deer, captured on a moon-lit night,
so does the constant commission of sins turn pleasure into pain.
The sins you have committed shall not leave you; placing the noose around your neck, they shall lead you away.
Beholding an illusion, you are deceived, and on your bed, you enjoy a false lover.
You are intoxicated with greed, avarice and egotism; you are engrossed in self-conceit.
O Nanak, like the deer, you are being destroyed by your ignorance; your comings and goings shall never end. ||2||
The fly is caught in the sweet candy - how can it fly away?
The elephant has fallen into the pit - how can it escape?
It shall be so difficult to swim across, for one who does not remember the Lord and Master, even for an instant.
His sufferings and punishments are beyond reckoning; he receives the consequences of his own actions.
His secret deeds are exposed, and he is ruined here and hereafter.
O Nanak, without the True Guru, the self-willed egotistical manmukh is defrauded. ||3||
The Lord's slaves live by holding on to God's feet.
The Lord and Master embraces those who seek His Sanctuary.
He blesses them with power, wisdom, knowledge and meditation; He Himself inspires them to chant His Name.
He Himself is the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and He Himself saves the world.
The Preserver preserves those whose actions are always pure.
O Nanak, they never have to go to hell; the Lord's Saints are under the Lord's Protection. ||4||2||11||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
Be gone, O my laziness, that I may pray to the Lord.
I enjoy my Husband Lord, and look beautiful with my God.
I look beautiful in the Company of my Husband Lord; I enjoy my Lord Master day and night.
I live by remembering God with each and every breath, beholding the Lord, and singing His Glorious Praises.
The pain of separation has grown shy, for I have obtained the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; His Ambrosial Glance of Grace has filled me with bliss.
Prays Nanak, my desires are fulfilled; I have met the One I was seeking. ||1||
Run away, O sins; the Creator has entered my home.
The demons within me have been burnt; the Lord of the Universe has revealed Himself to me.
The Beloved Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the World has revealed Himself; in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I chant His Name.
I have seen the Wondrous Lord; He showers His Ambrosial Nectar upon me, and by Guru's Grace, I know Him.
My mind is at peace, resounding with the music of bliss; the Lord's limits cannot be found.
Prays Nanak, God brings us to union with Himself, in the poise of celestial peace. ||2||
They do not have to see hell, if they remember the Lord in meditation.
The Righteous Judge of Dharma applauds them, and the Messenger of Death runs away from them.
Dharmic faith, patience, peace and poise are obtained by vibrating upon the Lord in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Showering His Blessings, He saves those who renounce all attachments and egotism.
The Lord embraces us; the Guru unites us with Him. Meditating on the Lord of the Universe, we are satisfied.
Prays Nanak, remembering the Lord and Master in meditation, all hopes are fulfilled. ||3||