Renounce pride, attachment, corruption and falsehood, and chant the Name of the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam.
O mortal, attach yourself to the Feet of the Saints. ||1||
God is the Sustainer of the world, Merciful to the meek, the Purifier of sinners, the Transcendent Lord God. Awaken, and meditate on His Feet.
Perform His devotional worship, O Nanak, and your destiny shall be fulfilled. ||2||4||155||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
Pleasure and pain, detachment and ecstasy - the Lord has revealed His Play. ||1||Pause||
One moment, the mortal is in fear, and the next moment he is fearless; in a moment, he gets up and departs.
One moment, he enjoys pleasures, and the next moment, he leaves and goes away. ||1||
One moment, he practices Yoga and intense meditation, and all sorts of worship; the next moment, he wanders in doubt.
One moment, O Nanak, the Lord bestows His Mercy and blesses him with His Love, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||2||5||156||
Raag Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Seventeenth House, Aasaavaree:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Meditate on the Lord, the Lord of the Universe.
Cherish the Beloved Lord, Har, Har, in your mind.
The Guru says to install it in your consciousness.
Turn away from others, and turn to Him.
Thus you shall obtain your Beloved, O my companion. ||1||Pause||
In the pool of the world is the mud of attachment.
Stuck in it, his feet cannot walk towards the Lord.
The fool is stuck;
he cannot do anything else.
Only by entering the Lord's Sanctuary, O my companion, will you be released. ||1||
Thus your consciousness shall be stable and steady and firm.
Wilderness and household are the same.
Deep within dwells the One Husband Lord;
outwardly, there are many distractions.
Practice Raja Yoga, the Yoga of meditation and success.
Says Nanak, this is the way to dwell with the people, and yet remain apart from them. ||2||1||157||
Aasaavaree, Fifth Mehl:
Cherish one desire only:
meditate continually on the Guru.
Install the wisdom of the Saints' Mantra.
Serve the Feet of the Guru,
and you shall meet Him, by Guru's Grace, O my mind. ||1||Pause||
All doubts are dispelled,
and the Lord is seen to be pervading all places.
The fear of death is dispelled,
and the primal place is obtained.
Then, all subservience is removed. ||1||
One who has such destiny recorded upon his forehead, obtains it;
he crosses over the terrifying ocean of fire.
He obtains a place in the home of his own self,
and enjoys the most sublime essence of the Lord's essence.
His hunger is appeased;
Nanak, he is absorbed in celestial peace, O my mind. ||2||2||158||
Aasaavaree, Fifth Mehl:
Sing the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har.
Meditate on the celestial music.
The tongues of the holy Saints repeat it.
I have heard that this is the way to emancipation.
This is found by the greatest merit, O my mind. ||1||Pause||
The silent sages search for Him.
God is the Master of all.
It is so difficult to find Him in this world, in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga.
He is the Dispeller of distress.
God is the Fulfiller of desires, O my mind. ||1||
O my mind, serve Him.