Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of the Destroyer of pain; I behold His Presence deep within, and all around as well. ||2||22||108||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, all pains run away.
Please, never leave my vision, O Lord; please abide with my soul. ||1||Pause||
My Beloved Lord and Master is the Support of the breath of life.
God, the Inner-knower, is all-pervading. ||1||
Which of Your Glorious Virtues should I contemplate and remember?
With each and every breath, O God, I remember You. ||2||
God is the ocean of mercy, merciful to the meek;
He cherishes all beings and creatures. ||3||
Twenty-four hours a day, Your humble servant chants Your Name.
You Yourself, O God, have inspired Nanak to love You. ||4||23||109||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
Body, wealth and youth pass away.
You have not meditated and vibrated upon the Lord's Name; while you commit your sins of corruption in the night, the light of day dawns upon you. ||1||Pause||
Continually eating all sorts of foods, the teeth in your mouth crumble, decay and fall out.
Living in egotism and possessiveness, you are deluded; committing sins, you have no kindness for others. ||1||
The great sins are the terrible ocean of pain; the mortal is engrossed in them.
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of his Lord and Master; taking him by the arm, God has lifted him up and out. ||2||24||110||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
God Himself has come into my consciousness.
My enemies and opponents have grown weary of attacking me, and now, I have become happy, O my friends and Siblings of Destiny. ||1||Pause||
The disease is gone, and all misfortunes have been averted; the Creator Lord has made me His own.
I have found peace, tranquility and total bliss, enshrining the Name of my Beloved Lord within my heart. ||1||
My soul, body and wealth are all Your capital; O God, You are my All-powerful Lord and Master.
You are the Saving Grace of Your slaves; slave Nanak is forever Your slave. ||2||25||111||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe, I am emancipated.
Suffering is eradicated, and true peace has come, meditating on the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||1||Pause||
All beings belong to Him - He makes them happy. He is the true power of His humble devotees.
He Himself saves and protects His slaves, who believe in their Creator, the Destroyer of fear. ||1||
I have found friendship, and hatred has been eradicated; the Lord has rooted out the enemies and villains.
Nanak has been blessed with celestial peace and poise and total bliss; chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord, he lives. ||2||26||112||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
The Supreme Lord God has become Merciful.
The True Guru has arranged all my affairs; chanting and meditating with the Holy Saints, I have become happy. ||1||Pause||
God has made me His own, and all my enemies have been reduced to dust.
He hugs us close in His embrace, and protects His humble servants; attaching us to the hem of His robe, he saves us. ||1||