All the gods, silent sages, Indra, Shiva and Yogis have not found the Lord's limits
not even Brahma who contemplates the Vedas. I shall not give up meditating on the Lord, even for an instant.
The God of Mat'huraa is Merciful to the meek; He blesses and uplifts the Sangats throughout the Universe.
Guru Raam Daas, to save the world, enshrined the Guru's Light into Guru Arjun. ||4||
In the great darkness of this world, the Lord revealed Himself, incarnated as Guru Arjun.
Millions of pains are taken away, from those who drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, says Mat'huraa.
O mortal being, do not leave this path; do not think that there is any difference between God and Guru.
The Perfect Lord God has manifested Himself; He dwells in the heart of Guru Arjun. ||5||
As long as the destiny written upon my forehead was not activated, I wandered around lost, running in all directions.
I was drowning in the horrible world-ocean of this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, and my remorse would never have ended.
O Mat'huraa, consider this essential truth: to save the world, the Lord incarnated Himself.
Whoever meditates on Guru Arjun Dayv, shall not have to pass through the painful womb of reincarnation ever again. ||6||
In the ocean of this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Lord's Name has been revealed in the Form of Guru Arjun, to save the world.
Pain and poverty are taken away from that person, within whose heart the Saint abides.
He is the Pure, Immaculate Form of the Infinite Lord; except for Him, there is no other at all.
Whoever knows Him in thought, word and deed, becomes just like Him.
He is totally pervading the earth, the sky and the nine regions of the planet. He is the Embodiment of the Light of God.
So speaks Mat'huraa: there is no difference between God and Guru; Guru Arjun is the Personification of the Lord Himself. ||7||19||
The stream of the Lord's Name flows like the Ganges, invincible and unstoppable. The Sikhs of the Sangat all bathe in it.
It appears as if the holy texts like the Puraanaas are being recited there and Brahma himself sings the Vedas.
The invincible chauri, the fly-brush, waves over His head; with His mouth, He drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam.
The Transcendent Lord Himself has placed the royal canopy over the head of Guru Arjun.
Guru Nanak, Guru Angad, Guru Amar Daas and Guru Raam Daas met together before the Lord.
So speaks HARBANS: Their Praises echo and resound all over the world; who can possibly say that the Great Gurus are dead? ||1||
When it was the Will of the Transcendent Lord Himself, Guru Raam Daas went to the City of God.
The Lord offered Him His Royal Throne, and seated the Guru upon it.
The angels and gods were delighted; they proclaimed and celebrated Your victory, O Guru.
The demons ran away; their sins made them shake and tremble inside.
Those people who found Guru Raam Daas were rid of their sins.
He gave the Royal Canopy and Throne to Guru Arjun, and came home. ||2||21||9||11||10||10||22||60||143||