Who has established himself as a Siddha, a being of miraculous spiritual powers, by killing his mind? ||1||
Who is that silent sage, who has killed his mind?
By killing the mind, tell me, who is saved? ||1||Pause||
Everyone speaks through the mind.
Without killing the mind, devotional worship is not performed. ||2||
Says Kabeer, one who knows the secret of this mystery,
beholds within his own mind the Lord of the three worlds. ||3||28||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:
The stars which are seen in the sky
- who is the painter who painted them? ||1||
Tell me, O Pandit, what is the sky attached to?
Very fortunate is the knower who knows this. ||1||Pause||
The sun and the moon give their light;
God's creative extension extends everywhere. ||2||
Says Kabeer, he alone knows this,
whose heart is filled with the Lord, and whose mouth is also filled with the Lord. ||3||29||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:
The Simritee is the daughter of the Vedas, O Siblings of Destiny.
She has brought a chain and a rope. ||1||
She has imprisoned the people in her own city.
She has tightened the noose of emotional attachment and shot the arrow of death. ||1||Pause||
By cutting, she cannot be cut, and she cannot be broken.
She has become a serpent, and she is eating the world. ||2||
Before my very eyes, she has plundered the entire world.
Says Kabeer, chanting the Lord's Name, I have escaped her. ||3||30||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:
I have grasped the reins and attached the bridle;
abandoning everything, I now ride through the skies. ||1||
I made self-reflection my mount,
and in the stirrups of intuitive poise, I placed my feet. ||1||Pause||
Come, and let me ride you to heaven.
If you hold back, then I shall strike you with the whip of spiritual love. ||2||
Says Kabeer, those who remain detached from the
Vedas, the Koran and the Bible are the best riders. ||3||31||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:
That mouth, which used to eat the five delicacies
- I have seen the flames being applied to that mouth. ||1||
O Lord, my King, please rid me of this one affliction:
may I not be burned in fire, or cast into the womb again. ||1||Pause||
The body is destroyed by so many ways and means.
Some burn it, and some bury it in the earth. ||2||
Says Kabeer, O Lord, please reveal to me Your Lotus Feet;
after that, go ahead and send me to my death. ||3||32||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:
He Himself is the fire, and He Himself is the wind.
When our Lord and Master wishes to burn someone, then who can save him? ||1||
When I chant the Lord's Name, what does it matter if my body burns?
My consciousness remains absorbed in the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||
Who is burned, and who suffers loss?
The Lord plays, like the juggler with his ball. ||2||
Says Kabeer, chant the two letters of the Lord's Name - Raa Maa.
If He is your Lord and Master, He will protect you. ||3||33||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee, Dho-Padhay:
I have not practiced Yoga, or focused my consciousness on meditation.
Without renunciation, I cannot escape Maya. ||1||
How have I passed my life?