You, O Creator, know everything which occurs within our beings.
You Yourself, O Creator, are incalculable, while the entire world is within the realm of calculation.
Everything happens according to Your Will; You created all.
You are the One, pervading in each and every heart; O True Lord and Master, this is Your play.
One who meets the True Guru meets the Lord; no one can turn him away. ||24||
Salok, Fourth Mehl:
Hold this mind steady and stable; become Gurmukh and focus your consciousness.
How could you ever forget Him, with each breath and morsel of food, sitting down or standing up?
My anxiety about birth and death has ended; this soul is under the control of the Lord God.
If it pleases You, then save servant Nanak, and bless him with Your Name. ||1||
Third Mehl:
The egotistical, self-willed manmukh does not know the Mansion of the Lord's Presence; one moment he is here, and the next moment he is there.
He is always invited, but he does not go to the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. How shall he be accepted in the Court of the Lord?
How rare are those who know the Mansion of the True Guru; they stand with their palms pressed together.
If my Lord grants His Grace, O Nanak, He restores them to Himself. ||2||
Fruitful and rewarding is that service, which is pleasing to the Guru's Mind.
When the Mind of the True Guru is pleased, then sins and misdeeds run away.
The Sikhs listen to the Teachings imparted by the True Guru.
Those who surrender to the True Guru's Will are imbued with the four-fold Love of the Lord.
This is the unique and distinct life-style of the Gurmukhs: listening to the Guru's Teachings, their minds blossom forth. ||25||
Salok, Third Mehl:
Those who do not affirm their Guru shall have no home or place of rest.
They lose both this world and the next; they have no place in the Court of the Lord.
This opportunity to bow at the Feet of the True Guru shall never come again.
If they miss out on being counted by the True Guru, they shall pass their lives in pain and misery.
The True Guru, the Primal Being, has no hatred or vengeance; He unites with Himself those with whom He is pleased.
O Nanak, those who behold the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, are emancipated in the Court of the Lord. ||1||
Third Mehl:
The self-willed manmukh is ignorant, evil-minded and egotistical.
He is filled with anger within, and he loses his mind in the gamble.
He commits the sins of fraud and unrighteousness.
What can he hear, and what can he tell others?
He is blind and deaf; he loses his way, and wanders lost in the wilderness.
The blind, self-willed manmukh comes and goes in reincarnation;
without meeting the True Guru, he finds no place of rest.
O Nanak, he acts according to his pre-ordained destiny. ||2||
Those who have hearts as hard as stone, do not sit near the True Guru.
Truth prevails there; the false ones do not attune their consciousness to it.
By hook or by crook, they pass their time, and then they go back to sit with the false ones again.
Falsehood does not mix with the Truth; O people, check it out and see.
The false go and mingle with the false, while the truthful Sikhs sit by the side of the True Guru. ||26||