Involved in worldly affairs, he wastes his life in vain; the peace-giving Lord does not come to abide in his mind.
O Nanak, they alone obtain the Name, who have such pre-ordained destiny. ||1||
Third Mehl:
The home within is filled with Ambrosial Nectar, but the self-willed manmukh does not get to taste it.
He is like the deer, who does not recognize its own musk-scent; it wanders around, deluded by doubt.
The manmukh forsakes the Ambrosial Nectar, and instead gathers poison; the Creator Himself has fooled him.
How rare are the Gurmukhs, who obtain this understanding; they behold the Lord God within themselves.
Their minds and bodies are cooled and soothed, and their tongues enjoy the sublime taste of the Lord.
Through the Word of the Shabad, the Name wells up; through the Shabad, we are united in the Lord's Union.
Without the Shabad, the whole world is insane, and it loses its life in vain.
The Shabad alone is Ambrosial Nectar; O Nanak, the Gurmukhs obtain it. ||2||
The Lord God is inaccessible; tell me, how can we find Him?
He has no form or feature, and He cannot be seen; tell me, how can we meditate on Him?
The Lord is formless, immaculate and inaccessible; which of His Virtues should we speak of and sing?
They alone walk on the Lord's Path, whom the Lord Himself instructs.
The Perfect Guru has revealed Him to me; serving the Guru, He is found. ||4||
Salok, Third Mehl:
It is as if my body has been crushed in the oil-press, without yielding even a drop of blood;
it is as if my soul has been cut apart into pieces for the sake of the Love of the True Lord;
O Nanak, still, night and day, my Union with the Lord is not broken. ||1||
Third Mehl:
My Friend is so full of joy and love; He colors my mind with the color of His Love,
like the fabric which is treated to retain the color of the dye.
O Nanak, this color does not depart, and no other color can be imparted to this fabric. ||2||
The Lord Himself is pervading everywhere; the Lord Himself causes us to chant His Name.
The Lord Himself created the creation; He commits all to their tasks.
He engages some in devotional worship, and others, He causes to stray.
He places some on the Path, while He leads others into the wilderness.
Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; as Gurmukh, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||5||
Salok, Third Mehl:
Service to the True Guru is fruitful and rewarding, if one performs it with his mind focused on it.
The fruits of the mind's desires are obtained, and egotism departs from within.
His bonds are broken, and he is liberated; he remains absorbed in the True Lord.
It is so difficult to obtain the Naam in this world; it comes to dwell in the mind of the Gurmukh.
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to one who serves his True Guru. ||1||
Third Mehl:
The mind of the self-willed manmukh is so very stubborn; it is stuck in the love of duality.
He does not find peace, even in dreams; he passes his life in misery and suffering.
The Pandits have grown weary of going door to door, reading and reciting their scriptures; the Siddhas have gone into their trances of Samaadhi.
This mind cannot be controlled; they are tired of performing religious rituals.
The impersonators have grown weary of wearing false costumes, and bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines.