Your Word is eternal, O Guru Nanak; You placed Your Hand of blessing upon my forehead. ||2||21||49||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
All beings and creatures were created by Him; He alone is the support and friend of the Saints.
He Himself preserves the honor of His servants; their glorious greatness becomes perfect. ||1||
The Perfect Supreme Lord God is always with me.
The Perfect Guru has perfectly and totally protected me, and now everyone is kind and compassionate to me. ||1||Pause||
Night and day, Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; He is the Giver of the soul, and the breath of life itself.
He hugs His slave close in His loving embrace, like the mother and father hug their child. ||2||22||50||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl, Third House, Chau-Padhay:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Meeting with the council, my doubts were not dispelled.
The chiefs did not give me satisfaction.
I presented my dispute to the noblemen as well.
But it was only settled by meeting with the King, my Lord. ||1||
Now, I do not go searching anywhere else,
because I have met the Guru, the Lord of the Universe. ||Pause||
When I came to God's Darbaar, His Holy Court,
then all of my cries and complaints were settled.
Now that I have attained what I had sought,
where should I come and where should I go? ||2||
There, true justice is administered.
There, the Lord Master and His disciple are one and the same.
The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, knows.
Without our speaking, He understands. ||3||
He is the King of all places.
There, the unstruck melody of the Shabad resounds.
Of what use is cleverness when dealing with Him?
Meeting with Him, O Nanak, one loses his self-conceit. ||4||1||51||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
Enshrine the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within your heart;
sitting within your own home, meditate on the Guru.
The Perfect Guru has spoken the Truth;
the True Peace is obtained only from the Lord. ||1||
My Guru has become merciful.
In bliss, peace, pleasure and joy, I have returned to my own home, after my purifying bath. ||Pause||
True is the glorious greatness of the Guru;
His worth cannot be described.
He is the Supreme Overlord of kings.
Meeting with the Guru, the mind is enraptured. ||2||
All sins are washed away,
meeting with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
The Lord's Name is the treasure of excellence;
chanting it, one's affairs are perfectly resolved. ||3||
The Guru has opened the door of liberation,
and the entire world applauds Him with cheers of victory.
O Nanak, God is always with me;
my fears of birth and death are gone. ||4||2||52||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
The Perfect Guru has granted His Grace,
and God has fulfilled my desire.
After taking my bath of purification, I returned to my home,
and I found bliss, happiness and peace. ||1||
O Saints, salvation comes from the Lord's Name.
While standing up and sitting down, meditate on the Lord's Name. Night and day, do good deeds. ||1||Pause||