Shower Your Mercy upon me, God; let me be committed to devotional worship. Nanak drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar of Truth. ||4||28||35||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
The Lord of the Universe, the Support of the earth, has become Merciful;
the rain is falling everywhere.
He is Merciful to the meek, always Kind and Gentle; the Creator has brought cooling relief. ||1||
He cherishes all His beings and creatures,
as the mother cares for her children.
The Destroyer of pain, the Ocean of Peace, the Lord and Master gives sustenance to all. ||2||
The Merciful Lord is totally pervading and permeating the water and the land.
I am forever devoted, a sacrifice to Him.
Night and day, I always meditate on Him; in an instant, He saves all. ||3||
God Himself protects all;
He drives out all sorrow and suffering.
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind and body are rejuvenated. O Nanak, God has bestowed His Glance of Grace. ||4||29||36||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
Where the Naam, the Name of God the Beloved is chanted
those barren places become mansions of gold.
Where the Naam, the Name of my Lord of the Universe is not chanted-those towns are like the barren wilderness. ||1||
One who meditates as he eats dry bread,
sees the Blessed Lord inwardly and outwardly.
Know this well, that one who eats and eats while practicing evil, is like a field of poisonous plants. ||2||
One who does not feel love for the Saints,
misbehaves in the company of the wicked shaaktas, the faithless cynics;
he wastes this human body, so difficult to obtain. In his ignorance, he tears up his own roots. ||3||
I seek Your Sanctuary, O my Lord, Merciful to the meek,
Ocean of Peace, my Guru, Sustainer of the world.
Shower Your Mercy upon Nanak, that he may sing Your Glorious Praises; please, preserve my honor. ||4||30||37||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
I cherish in my heart the Feet of my Lord and Master.
All my troubles and sufferings have run away.
The music of intuitive peace, poise and tranquility wells up within; I dwell in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||
The bonds of love with the Lord are never broken.
The Lord is totally permeating and pervading inside and out.
Meditating, meditating, meditating in remembrance on Him, singing His Glorious Praises, the noose of death is cut away. ||2||
The Ambrosial Nectar, the Unstruck Melody of Gurbani rains down continually;
deep within my mind and body, peace and tranquility have come.
Your humble servants remain satisfied and fulfilled, and the True Guru blesses them with encouragement and comfort. ||3||
We are His, and from Him, we receive our rewards.
Showering His Mercy upon us, God has united us with Him.
Our comings and goings have ended, and through great good fortune, O Nanak, our hopes are fulfilled. ||4||31||38||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
The rain has fallen; I have found the Transcendent Lord God.
All beings and creatures dwell in peace.
Suffering has been dispelled, and true happiness has dawned, as we meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||
The One, to whom we belong, cherishes and nurtures us.
The Supreme Lord God has become our Protector.
My Lord and Master has heard my prayer; my efforts have been rewarded. ||2||