Everyone speaks as they please.
The self-willed manmukh, in duality, does not know how to speak.
The blind person has a blind and deaf intellect; coming and going in reincarnation, he suffers in pain. ||11||
In pain he is born, and in pain he dies.
His pain is not relieved, without seeking the Sanctuary of the Guru.
In pain he is created, and in pain he perishes. What has he brought with himself? And what will he take away? ||12||
True are the actions of those who are under the Guru's influence.
They do not come and go in reincarnation, and they are not subject to the laws of Death.
Whoever abandons the branches, and clings to the true root, enjoys true ecstasy within his mind. ||13||
Death cannot strike down the people of the Lord.
They do not see pain on the most difficult path.
Deep within the nucleus of their hearts, they worship and adore the Lord's Name; there is nothing else at all for them. ||14||
There is no end to the Lord's sermon and Praise.
As it pleases You, I remain under Your Will.
I am embellished with robes of honor in the Court of the Lord, by the Order of the True King. ||15||
How can I chant Your uncounted glories?
Even the greatest of the great do not know Your limits.
Please bless Nanak with the Truth, and preserve his honor; You are the supreme emperor above the heads of kings. ||16||6||12||
Maaroo, First Mehl, Dakhanee:
Deep within the body-village is the fortress.
The dwelling of the True Lord is within the city of the Tenth Gate.
This place is permanent and forever immaculate. He Himself created it. ||1||
Within the fortress are balconies and bazaars.
He Himself takes care of His merchandise.
The hard and heavy doors of the Tenth Gate are closed and locked. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are thrown open. ||2||
Within the fortress is the cave, the home of the self.
He established the nine gates of this house, by His Command and His Will.
In the Tenth Gate, the Primal Lord, the unknowable and infinite dwells; the unseen Lord reveals Himself. ||3||
Within the body of air, water and fire, the One Lord dwells.
He Himself stages His wondrous dramas and plays.
By His Grace, water puts out the burning fire; He Himself stores it up in the watery ocean. ||4||
Creating the earth, He established it as the home of Dharma.
Creating and destroying, He remains unattached.
He stages the play of the breath everywhere. Withdrawing His power, He lets the beings crumble. ||5||
Your gardener is the vast vegetation of nature.
The wind blowing around is the chauree, the fly-brush, waving over You.
The Lord placed the two lamps, the sun and the moon; the sun merges in the house of the moon. ||6||
The five birds do not fly wild.
The tree of life is fruitful, bearing the fruit of Ambrosial Nectar.
The Gurmukh intuitively sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord; he eats the food of the Lord's sublime essence. ||7||
The dazzling light glitters, although neither the moon nor the stars are shining;
neither the sun's rays nor the lightning flashes across the sky.
I describe the indescribable state, which has no sign, where the all-pervading Lord is still pleasing to the mind. ||8||
The rays of Divine Light have spread out their brilliant radiance.
Having created the creation, the Merciful Lord Himself gazes upon it.
The sweet, melodious, unstruck sound current vibrates continuously in the home of the fearless Lord. ||9||