The Guru has shown me that my Sovereign Lord God is with me. ||1||
Joining together with my friends and companions, I am adorned with the Lord's Glorious Virtues.
The sublime soul-brides play with their Lord God. The Gurmukhs look within themselves; their minds are filled with faith. ||1||Pause||
The self-willed manmukhs, suffering in separation, do not understand this mystery.
The Beloved Lord of all celebrates in each and every heart.
The Gurmukh is stable, knowing that God is always with him.
The Guru has implanted the Naam within me; I chant it, and meditate on it. ||2||
Without the Guru, devotional love does not well up within.
Without the Guru, one is not blessed with the Society of the Saints.
Without the Guru, the blind cry out, entangled in worldly affairs.
That mortal who becomes Gurmukh becomes immaculate; the Word of the Shabad washes away his filth. ||3||
Uniting with the Guru, the mortal conquers and subdues his mind.
Day and night, he savors the Yoga of devotional worship.
Associating with the Saint Guru, suffering and sickness are ended.
Servant Nanak merges with his Husband Lord, in the Yoga of intuitive ease. ||4||6||
Basant, First Mehl:
By His Creative Power, God fashioned the creation.
The King of kings Himself adminsters true justice.
The most sublime Word of the Guru's Teachings is always with us.
The wealth of the Lord's Name, the source of nectar, is easily acquired. ||1||
So chant the Name of the Lord; do not forget it, O my mind.
The Lord is Infinite, Inaccessible and Incomprehensible; His weight cannot be weighed, but He Himself allows the Gurmukh to weigh Him. ||1||Pause||
Your GurSikhs serve at the Guru's Feet.
Serving the Guru, they are carried across; they have abandoned any distinction between 'mine' and 'yours'.
The slanderous and greedy people are hard-hearted.
Those who do not love to serve the Guru are the most thieving of thieves. ||2||
When the Guru is pleased, He blesses the mortals with loving devotional worship of the Lord.
When the Guru is pleased, the mortal obtains a place in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.
So renounce slander, and awaken in devotional worship of the Lord.
Devotion to the Lord is wonderful; it comes through good karma and destiny. ||3||
The Guru unites in union with the Lord, and grants the gift of the Name.
The Guru loves His Sikhs, day and night.
They obtain the fruit of the Naam, when the Guru's favor is bestowed.
Says Nanak, those who receive it are very rare indeed. ||4||7||
Basant, Third Mehl, Ek-Thukay:
When it pleases our Lord and Master, His servant serves Him.
He remains dead while yet alive, and redeems all his ancestors. ||1||
I shall not renounce Your devotional worship, O Lord; what does it matter if people laugh at me?
The True Name abides within my heart. ||1||Pause||
Just as the mortal remains engrossed in attachment to Maya,
so does the Lord's humble Saint remain absorbed in the Lord's Name. ||2||
I am foolish and ignorant, O Lord; please be merciful to me.
May I remain in Your Sanctuary. ||3||
Says Nanak, worldly affairs are fruitless.
Only by Guru's Grace does one receive the Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||8||
First Mehl, Basant Hindol, Second House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
O Brahmin, you worship and believe in your stone-god, and wear your ceremonial rosary beads.
Chant the Name of the Lord. Build your boat, and pray, "O Merciful Lord, please be merciful to me." ||1||