Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl, Third House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Does anyone know, who is our friend in this world?
He alone understands this, whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy. Immaculate and unstained is his way of life. ||1||Pause||
Mother, father, spouse, children, relatives, lovers, friends and siblings meet,
Having been associated in previous lives; but none of them will be your companion and support in the end. ||1||
Pearl necklaces, gold, rubies and diamonds please the mind, but they are only Maya.
Possessing them, one passes his life in agony; he obtains no contentment from them. ||2||
Elephants, chariots, horses as fast as the wind, wealth, land, and armies of four kinds
- none of these will go with him; he must get up and depart, naked. ||3||
The Lord's Saints are the beloved lovers of God; sing of the Lord, Har, Har, with them.
O Nanak, in the Society of the Saints, you shall obtain peace in this world, and in the next world, your face shall be radiant and bright. ||4||1||
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl, Third House, Dho-Padhay:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Give me a message from my Beloved - tell me, tell me!
I am wonder-struck, hearing the many reports of Him; tell them to me, O my happy sister soul-brides. ||1||Pause||
Some say that He is beyond the world - totally beyond it, while others say that He is totally within it.
His color cannot be seen, and His pattern cannot be discerned. O happy soul-brides, tell me the truth! ||1||
He is pervading everywhere, and He dwells in each and every heart; He is not stained - He is unstained.
Says Nanak, listen, O people: He dwells upon the tongues of the Saints. ||2||1||2||
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:
I am calmed, calmed and soothed, hearing of God. ||1||Pause||
I dedicate my soul, my breath of life, my mind, body and everything to Him: I behold God near, very near. ||1||
Beholding God, the inestimable, infinite and Great Giver, I cherish Him in my mind. ||2||
Whatever I wish for, I receive; my hopes and desires are fulfilled, meditating on God. ||3||
By Guru's Grace, God dwells in Nanak's mind; he never suffers or grieves, having realized God. ||4||2||3||
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:
I seek my Friend the Lord.
In each and every home, sing the sublime songs of rejoicing; He abides in each and every heart. ||1||Pause||
In good times, worship and adore Him; in bad times, worship and adore Him; do not ever forget Him.
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the light of millions of suns shines forth, and the darkness of doubt is dispelled. ||1||
In all the spaces and interspaces, everywhere, whatever we see is Yours.
One who finds the Society of the Saints, O Nanak, is not consigned to reincarnation again. ||2||3||4||