Such a Paakhandi does not grow old or die.
Says Charpat, God is the embodiment of Truth;
the supreme essence of reality has no shape or form. ||5||
First Mehl:
He alone is a Bairaagi, who turns himself toward God.
In the Tenth Gate, the sky of the mind, he erects his pillar.
Night and day, he remains in deep inner meditation.
Such a Bairaagi is just like the True Lord.
Says Bhart'har, God is the embodiment of Truth;
the supreme essence of reality has no shape or form. ||6||
First Mehl:
How is evil eradicated? How can the true way of life be found?
What is the use of piercing the ears, or begging for food?
Throughout existence and non-existence, there is only the Name of the One Lord.
What is that Word, which holds the heart in its place?
When you look alike upon sunshine and shade,
says Nanak, then the Guru will speak to you.
The students follow the six systems.
They are neither worldly people, nor detached renunciates.
One who remains absorbed in the Formless Lord
- why should he go out begging? ||7||
That alone is said to be the Lord's temple, where the Lord is known.
In the human body, the Guru's Word is found, when one understands that the Lord, the Supreme Soul, is in all.
Don't look for Him outside your self. The Creator, the Architect of Destiny, is within the home of your own heart.
The self-willed manmukh does not appreciate the value of the Lord's temple; they waste away and lose their lives.
The One Lord is pervading in all; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He can be found. ||12||
Salok, Third Mehl:
Only a fool listens to the words of the fool.
What are the signs of the fool? What does the fool do?
A fool is stupid; he dies of egotism.
His actions always bring him pain; he lives in pain.
If someone's beloved friend falls into the pit, what can be used to pull him out?
One who becomes Gurmukh contemplates the Lord, and remains detached.
Chanting the Lord's Name, he saves himself, and he carries across those who are drowning as well.
O Nanak, he acts in accordance with the Will of God; he endures whatever he is given. ||1||
First Mehl:
Says Nanak, listen, O mind, to the True Teachings.
Opening His ledger, God will call you to account.
Those rebels who have unpaid accounts shall be called out.
Azraa-eel, the Angel of Death, shall be appointed to punish them.
They will find no way to escape coming and going in reincarnation; they are trapped in the narrow path.
Falsehood will come to an end, O Nanak, and Truth will prevail in the end. ||2||
The body and everything belongs to the Lord; the Lord Himself is all-pervading.
The Lord's value cannot be estimated; nothing can be said about it.
By Guru's Grace, one praises the Lord, imbued with feelings of devotion.
The mind and body are totally rejuvenated, and egotism is eradicated.
Everything is the play of the Lord. The Gurmukh understands this. ||13||
Salok, First Mehl:
Branded with a thousand marks of disgrace, Indra cried in shame.
Paras Raam returned home crying.
Ajai cried and wept, when he was made to eat the manure he had given, pretending it was charity.
Such is the punishment received in the Court of the Lord.
Rama wept when he was sent into exile,