When someone's household has no glory,
the guests who come there depart still hungry.
Deep within, there is no contentment.
Without his bride, the wealth of Maya, he suffers in pain. ||1||
So praise this bride, which can shake the consciousness
Of even the most dedicated ascetics and sages. ||1||Pause||
This bride is the daughter of a wretched miser.
Abandoning the Lord's servant, she sleeps with the world.
Standing at the door of the holy man,
she says, "I have come to your sanctuary; now save me!" ||2||
This bride is so beautiful.
The bells on her ankles make soft music.
As long as there is the breath of life in the man, she remains attached to him.
But when it is no more, she quickly gets up and departs, bare-footed. ||3||
This bride has conquered the three worlds.
The eighteen Puraanas and the sacred shrines of pilgrimage love her as well.
She pierced the hearts of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu.
She destroyed the great emperors and kings of the world. ||4||
This bride has no restraint or limits.
She is in collusion with the five thieving passions.
When the clay pot of these five passions bursts,
then, says Kabeer, by Guru's Mercy, one is released. ||5||5||8||
As the house will not stand when the supporting beams are removed from within it,
just so, without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, how can anyone be carried across?
Without the pitcher, the water is not contained;
just so, without the Holy Saint, the mortal departs in misery. ||1||
One who does not remember the Lord - let him burn;
his body and mind have remained absorbed in this field of the world. ||1||Pause||
Without a farmer, the land is not planted;
without a thread, how can the beads be strung?
Without a loop, how can the knot be tied?
Just so, without the Holy Saint, the mortal departs in misery. ||2||
Without a mother or father there is no child;
just so, without water, how can the clothes be washed?
Without a horse, how can there be a rider?
Without the Holy Saint, one cannot reach the Court of the Lord. ||3||
Just as without music, there is no dancing,
the bride rejected by her husband is dishonored.
Says Kabeer, do this one thing:
become Gurmukh, and you shall never die again. ||4||6||9||
He alone is a pimp, who pounds down his mind.
Pounding down his mind, he escapes from the Messenger of Death.
Pounding and beating his mind, he puts it to the test;
such a pimp attains total liberation. ||1||
Who is called a pimp in this world?
In all speech, one must carefully consider. ||1||Pause||
He alone is a dancer, who dances with his mind.
The Lord is not satisfied with falsehood; He is pleased only with Truth.
So play the beat of the drum in the mind.
The Lord is the Protector of the dancer with such a mind. ||2||
She alone is a street-dancer, who cleanses her body-street,
and educates the five passions.
She who embraces devotional worship for the Lord
- I accept such a street-dancer as my Guru. ||3||
He alone is a thief, who is above envy,
and who uses his sense organs to chant the Lord's Name.
Says Kabeer, these are the qualities of the one
I know as my Blessed Divine Guru, who is the most beautiful and wise. ||4||7||10||