Thus did Naam Dayv come to receive the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||4||3||
I am crazy - the Lord is my Husband.
I decorate and adorn myself for Him. ||1||
Slander me well, slander me well, slander me well, O people.
My body and mind are united with my Beloved Lord. ||1||Pause||
Do not engage in any arguments or debates with anyone.
With your tongue, savor the Lord's sublime essence. ||2||
Now, I know within my soul, that such an arrangement has been made;
I will meet with my Lord by the beat of the drum. ||3||
Anyone can praise or slander me.
Naam Dayv has met the Lord. ||4||4||
Sometimes, people do not appreciate milk, sugar and ghee.
Sometimes, they have to beg for bread from door to door.
Sometimes, they have to pick out the grain from the chaff. ||1||
As the Lord keeps us, so do we live, O Siblings of Destiny.
The Lord's Glory cannot even be described. ||1||Pause||
Sometimes, people prance around on horses.
Sometimes, they do not even have shoes for their feet. ||2||
Sometimes, people sleep on cozy beds with white sheets.
Sometimes, they do not even have straw to put down on the ground. ||3||
Naam Dayv prays, only the Naam, the Name of the Lord, can save us.
One who meets the Guru, is carried across to the other side. ||4||5||
Laughing and playing, I came to Your Temple, O Lord.
While Naam Dayv was worshipping, he was grabbed and driven out. ||1||
I am of a low social class, O Lord;
why was I born into a family of fabric dyers? ||1||Pause||
I picked up my blanket and went back,
to sit behind the temple. ||2||
As Naam Dayv uttered the Glorious Praises of the Lord,
the temple turned around to face the Lord's humble devotee. ||3||6||
Bhairao, Naam Dayv Jee, Second House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
As the hungry person loves food,
and the thirsty person is obsessed with water,
and as the fool is attached to his family
- just so, the Lord is very dear to Naam Dayv. ||1||
Naam Dayv is in love with the Lord.
He has naturally and intuitively become detached from the world. ||1||Pause||
Like the woman who falls in love with another man,
and the greedy man who loves only wealth,
and the sexually promiscuous man who loves women and sex,
just so, Naam Dayv is in love with the Lord. ||2||
But that alone is real love, which the Lord Himself inspires;
by Guru's Grace, duality is eradicated.
Such love never breaks; through it, the mortal remains merged in the Lord.
Naam Dayv has focused his consciousness on the True Name. ||3||
Like the love between the child and its mother,
so is my mind imbued with the Lord.
Prays Naam Dayv, I am in love with the Lord.
The Lord of the Universe abides within my consciousness. ||4||1||7||
The blind fool abandons the wife of his own home,