They are proud and arrogant, evil-minded and filthy; without the Guru, they are reincarnated into the terrifying world-ocean. ||3||
Through burnt offerings, charitable feasts, ritualistic chants, penance, all sorts of austere self-discipline and pilgrimages to sacred shrines and rivers, they do not find God.
Self-conceit is only erased when one seeks the Lord's Sanctuary and becomes Gurmukh; O Nanak, he crosses over the world-ocean. ||4||1||14||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
I have seen Him in the woods, and I have seen Him in the fields. I have seen Him in the household, and in renunciation.
I have seen Him as a Yogi carrying His staff, as a Yogi with matted hair, fasting, making vows, and visiting sacred shrines of pilgrimage. ||1||
I have seen Him in the Society of the Saints, and within my own mind.
In the sky, in the nether regions of the underworld, and in everything, He is pervading and permeating. With love and joy, I sing His Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause||
I have seen Him among the Yogis, the Sannyaasees, the celibates, the wandering hermits and the wearers of patched coats.
I have seen Him among the men of severe self-discipline, the silent sages, the actors, dramas and dances. ||2||
I have seen Him in the four Vedas, I have seen Him in the six Shaastras, in the eighteen Puraanas and the Simritees as well.
All together, they declare that there is only the One Lord. So tell me, from whom is He hidden? ||3||
Unfathomable and Inaccessible, He is our Infinite Lord and Master; His Value is beyond valuation.
Servant Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to those, within whose heart He is revealed. ||4||2||15||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
How can anyone do evil, if he realizes that the Lord is near?
One who gathers corruption, constantly feels fear.
He is near, but this mystery is not understood.
Without the True Guru, all are enticed by Maya. ||1||
Everyone says that He is near, near at hand.
But rare is that person, who, as Gurmukh, understands this mystery. ||1||Pause||
The mortal does not see the Lord near at hand; instead, he goes to the homes of others.
He steals their wealth and lives in falsehood.
Under the influence of the drug of illusion, he does not know that the Lord is with him.
Without the Guru, he is confused and deluded by doubt. ||2||
Not understanding that the Lord is near, he tells lies.
In love and attachment to Maya, the fool is plundered.
That which he seeks is within his own self, but he looks for it outside.
Without the Guru, he is confused and deluded by doubt. ||3||
One whose good karma is recorded on his forehead
serves the True Guru; thus the hard and heavy shutters of his mind are opened wide.
Within his own being and beyond, he sees the Lord near at hand.
O servant Nanak, he does not come and go in reincarnation. ||4||3||16||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
Who can kill that person whom You protect, O Lord?
All beings, and the entire universe, is within You.
The mortal thinks up millions of plans,
but that alone happens, which the Lord of wondrous plays does. ||1||
Save me, save me, O Lord; shower me with Your Mercy.
I seek Your Sanctuary, and Your Court. ||1||Pause||
Whoever serves the Fearless Lord, the Giver of Peace,
is rid of all his fears; he knows the One Lord.
Whatever You do, that alone comes to pass in the end.
There is no other who can kill or protect us. ||2||
What do you think, with your human understanding?
The All-knowing Lord is the Searcher of Hearts.
The One and only Lord is my Support and Protection.
The Creator Lord knows everything. ||3||
That person who is blessed by the Creator's Glance of Grace