Vaar Of Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Salok, Fifth Mehl:
As I have heard of the True Guru, so I have seen Him.
He re-unites the separated ones with God; He is the Mediator at the Court of the Lord.
He implants the Mantra of the Lord's Name, and eradicates the illness of egotism.
O Nanak, he alone meets the True Guru, who has such union pre-ordained. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
If the One Lord is my Friend, then all are my friends. If the One Lord is my enemy, then all fight with me.
The Perfect Guru has shown me that, without the Name, everything is useless.
The faithless cynics and the evil people wander in reincarnation; they are attached to other tastes.
Servant Nanak has realized the Lord God, by the Grace of the Guru, the True Guru. ||2||
The Creator Lord created the Creation.
He Himself is the perfect Banker; He Himself earns His profit.
He Himself made the expansive Universe; He Himself is imbued with joy.
The value of God's almighty creative power cannot be estimated.
He is inaccessible, unfathomable, endless, the farthest of the far.
He Himself is the greatest Emperor; He Himself is His own Prime Minister.
No one knows His worth, or the greatness of His resting place.
He Himself is our True Lord and Master. He reveals Himself to the Gurmukh. ||1||
Salok, Fifth Mehl:
Listen, O my beloved friend: please show me the True Guru.
I dedicate my mind to Him; I keep Him continually enshrined within my heart.
Without the One and Only True Guru, life in this world is cursed.
O servant Nanak, they alone meet the True Guru, with whom He constantly abides. ||1||
Fifth Mehl:
Deep within me is the longing to meet You; how can I find You, God?
I will search for someone, some friend, who will unite me with my Beloved.
The Perfect Guru has united me with Him; wherever I look, there He is.
Servant Nanak serves that God; there is no other as great as He is. ||2||
He is the Great Giver, the Generous Lord; with what mouth can I praise Him?
In His Mercy, He protects, preserves and sustains us.
No one is under anyone else's control; He is the One Support of all.
He cherishes all as His children, and reaches out with His hand.
He stages His joyous plays, which no one understands at all.
The all-powerful Lord gives His Support to all; I am a sacrifice to Him.
Night and day, sing the Praises of the One who is worthy of being praised.
Those who fall at the Guru's Feet, enjoy the sublime essence of the Lord. ||2||
Salok, Fifth Mehl:
He has widened the narrow path for me, and preserved my integrity, along with that of my family.
He Himself has arranged and resolved my affairs. I dwell upon that God forever.
God is my mother and father; He hugs me close in His embrace, and cherishes me, like His tiny baby.
All beings and creatures have become kind and compassionate to me. O Nanak, the Lord has blessed me with His Glance of Grace. ||1||