O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are saved, by contemplating the True Name. ||1||
First Mehl:
We are good at talking, but our actions are bad.
Mentally, we are impure and black, but outwardly, we appear white.
We imitate those who stand and serve at the Lord's Door.
They are attuned to the Love of their Husband Lord, and they experience the pleasure of His Love.
They remain powerless, even while they have power; they remain humble and meek.
O Nanak, our lives become profitable if we associate with them. ||2||
You Yourself are the water, You Yourself are the fish, and You Yourself are the net.
You Yourself cast the net, and You Yourself are the bait.
You Yourself are the lotus, unaffected and still brightly-colored in hundreds of feet of water.
You Yourself liberate those who think of You for even an instant.
O Lord, nothing is beyond You. I am delighted to behold You, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||7||
Salok, Third Mehl:
One who does not know the Hukam of the Lord's Command cries out in terrible pain.
She is filled with deception, and she cannot sleep in peace.
But if the soul-bride follows the Will of her Lord and Master,
She shall be honored in her own home, and called to the Mansion of His Presence.
O Nanak, by His Mercy, this understanding is obtained.
By Guru's Grace, she is absorbed into the True One. ||1||
Third Mehl:
O self-willed manmukh, devoid of the Naam, do not be misled upon beholding the color of the safflower.
Its color lasts for only a few days-it is worthless!
Attached to duality, the foolish, blind and stupid people waste away and die.
Like worms, they live in manure, and in it, they die over and over again.
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam are dyed in the color of truth; they take on the intuitive peace and poise of the Guru.
The color of devotional worship does not fade away; they remain intuitively absorbed in the Lord. ||2||
You created the entire universe, and You Yourself bring sustenance to it.
Some eat and survive by practicing fraud and deceit; from their mouths they drop falsehood and lies.
As it pleases You, You assign them their tasks.
Some understand Truthfulness; they are given the inexhaustible treasure.
Those who eat by remembering the Lord are prosperous, while those who do not remember Him stretch out their hands in need. ||8||
Salok, Third Mehl:
The Pandits, the religious scholars, constantly read and recite the Vedas, for the sake of the love of Maya.
In the love of duality, the foolish people have forgotten the Lord's Name; they shall receive their punishment.
They never think of the One who gave them body and soul, who provides sustenance to all.
The noose of death shall not be cut away from their necks; they shall come and go in reincarnation over and over again.
The blind, self-willed manmukhs do not understand anything. They do what they are pre-ordained to do.
Through perfect destiny, they meet the True Guru, the Giver of peace, and the Naam comes to abide in the mind.
They enjoy peace, they wear peace, and they pass their lives in the peace of peace.
O Nanak, they do not forget the Naam from the mind; they are honored in the Court of the Lord. ||1||
Third Mehl:
Serving the True Guru, peace is obtained. The True Name is the Treasure of Excellence.