My body was afflicted with millions of diseases.
They have been transformed into the peaceful, tranquil concentration of Samaadhi.
When someone understands his own self,
he no longer suffers from illness and the three fevers. ||2||
My mind has now been restored to its original purity.
When I became dead while yet alive, only then did I come to know the Lord.
Says Kabeer, I am now immersed in intuitive peace and poise.
I do not fear anyone, and I do not strike fear into anyone else. ||3||17||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:
When the body dies, where does the soul go?
It is absorbed into the untouched, unstruck melody of the Word of the Shabad.
Only one who knows the Lord realizes Him.
The mind is satisfied and satiated, like the mute who eats the sugar candy and just smiles, without speaking. ||1||
Such is the spiritual wisdom which the Lord has imparted.
O mind, hold your breath steady within the central channel of the Sushmanaa. ||1||Pause||
Adopt such a Guru, that you shall not have to adopt another again.
Dwell in such a state, that you shall never have to dwell in any other.
Embrace such a meditation, that you shall never have to embrace any other.
Die in such a way, that you shall never have to die again. ||2||
Turn your breath away from the left channel, and away from the right channel, and unite them in the central channel of the Sushmanaa.
At their confluence within your mind, take your bath there without water.
To look upon all with an impartial eye - let this be your daily occupation.
Contemplate this essence of reality - what else is there to contemplate? ||3||
Water, fire, wind, earth and ether
adopt such a way of life and you shall be close to the Lord.
Says Kabeer, meditate on the Immaculate Lord.
Go to that home, which you shall never have to leave. ||4||18||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee, Thi-Padhay:
He cannot be obtained by offering your weight in gold.
But I have bought the Lord by giving my mind to Him. ||1||
Now I recognize that He is my Lord.
My mind is intuitively pleased with Him. ||1||Pause||
Brahma spoke of Him continually, but could not find His limit.
Because of my devotion to the Lord, He has come to sit within the home of my inner being. ||2||
Says Kabeer, I have renounced my restless intellect.
It is my destiny to worship the Lord alone. ||3||1||19||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:
That death which terrifies the entire world
- the nature of that death has been revealed to me, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||
Now, how shall I die? My mind has already accepted death.
Those who do not know the Lord, die over and over again, and then depart. ||1||Pause||
Everyone says, I will die, I will die.
But he alone becomes immortal, who dies with intuitive understanding. ||2||
Says Kabeer, my mind is filled with bliss;
my doubts have been eliminated, and I am in ecstasy. ||3||20||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:
There is no special place where the soul aches; where should I apply the ointment?
I have searched the body, but I have not found such a place. ||1||
He alone knows it, who feels the pain of such love;
the arrows of the Lord's devotional worship are so sharp! ||1||Pause||
I look upon all His soul-brides with an impartial eye;
how can I know which ones are dear to the Husband Lord? ||2||
Says Kabeer, one who has such destiny inscribed upon her forehead
- her Husband Lord turns all others away, and meets with her. ||3||21||