Prays Nanak, God has granted His Grace, and I have found the Perfect True Guru. ||2||
Meet with the holy, humble servants of God; meeting with the Lord, listen to the Kirtan of His Praises.
God is the Merciful Master, the Lord of wealth; there is no end to His Virtues.
The Merciful Lord is the Dispeller of pain, the Giver of Sanctuary, the Eradicator of all evil.
Emotional attachment, sorrow, corruption and pain - chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one is saved from these.
All beings are Yours, O my God; bless me with Your Mercy, that I may become the dust under the feet of all men.
Prays Nanak, O God, be kind to me, that I may chant Your Name, and live. ||3||
God saves His humble devotees, attaching them to His feet.
Twenty-four hours a day, they meditate in remembrance on their God; they meditae on the One Name.
Meditating on that God, they cross over the terrifying world-ocean, and their comings and goings cease.
They enjoy eternal peace and pleasure, singing the Kirtan of God's Praises; His Will seems so sweet to them.
All my desires are fulfilled, meeting with the Perfect True Guru.
Prays Nanak, God has blended me with Himself; I shall never suffer pain or sorrow again. ||4||3||
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl, Chhant.
In the Sanctuary of His lotus feet, I sing His Glorious Praises in ecstasy and bliss.
O Nanak, worship God in adoration, the Eradicator of misfortune. ||1||
God is the Eradicator of misfortune; there is none other than Him.
Forever and ever, remember the Lord in meditation; He is permeating the water, the land and the sky.
He is permeating and pervading the water, the land and the sky; do not forget Him from your mind, even for an instant.
Blessed was that day, when I grasped the Guru's feet; all virtues rest in the Lord of the Universe.
So serve Him day and night, O servant; whatever pleases Him, happens.
Nanak is a sacrifice to the Giver of peace; his mind and body are enlightened. ||1||
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, the mind and body find peace; the thought of duality is dispelled.
Nanak takes the support of the Lord of the World, the Lord of the Universe, the Destroyer of troubles. ||1||
The Merciful Lord has eradicated my fears and troubles.
In ecstasy, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; God is the Cherisher, the Master of the meek.
The Cherishing Lord is imperishable, the One and only Primal Lord; I am imbued with His Love.
When I placed my hands and forehead upon His Feet, He blended me with Himself; I became awake and aware forever, night and day.
My soul, body, household and home belong to Him, along with my body, youth, wealth and property.
Forever and ever, Nanak is a sacrifice to Him, who cherishes and nurtures all beings. ||2||
My tongue chants the Name of the Lord, and chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.
Nanak has grasped the sheltering support of the One Transcendent Lord, who shall save him in the end. ||1||
He is God, our Lord and Master, our Saving Grace. Grab hold of the hem of His robe.
Vibrate, and meditate on the Merciful Divine Lord in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; renounce your intellectual mind.