The soul-bride knows that her Husband Lord is with her; the Guru unites her in this union.
Within her heart, she is merged with the Shabad, and the fire of her desire is easily extinguished.
The Shabad has quenched the fire of desire, and within her heart, peace and tranquility have come; she tastes the Lord's essence with intuitive ease.
Meeting her Beloved, she enjoys His Love continually, and her speech rings with the True Shabad.
Reading and studying continually, the Pandits, the religious scholars, and the silent sages have grown weary; wearing religious robes, liberation is not obtained.
O Nanak, without devotional worship, the world has gone insane; through the True Word of the Shabad, one meets the Lord. ||3||
Bliss permeates the mind of the soul-bride, who meets her Beloved Lord.
The soul-bride is enraptured with the sublime essence of the Lord, through the incomparable Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Through the incomparable Word of the Guru's Shabad, she meets her Beloved; she continually contemplates and enshrines His Glorious Virtues in her mind.
Her bed was adorned when she enjoyed her Husband Lord; meeting with her Beloved, her demerits were erased.
That house, within which the Lord's Name is continually meditated upon, resounds with the wedding songs of rejoicing, throughout the four ages.
O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, we are in bliss forever; meeting the Lord, our affairs are resolved. ||4||1||6||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Aasaa, Third Mehl, Chhant, Third House:
O my beloved friend, dedicate yourself to the devotional worship of your Husband Lord.
Serve your Guru constantly, and obtain the wealth of the Naam.
Dedicate yourself to the worship of your Husband Lord; this is pleasing to your Beloved Husband.
If you walk in accordance with your own will, then your Husband Lord will not be pleased with you.
This path of loving devotional worship is very difficult; how rare are those who find it, through the Gurdwara, the Guru's Gate.
Says Nanak, that one, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, links his consciousness to the worship of the Lord. ||1||
O my detached mind, unto whom do you show your detachment?
Those who sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord live in the joy of the Lord, forever and ever.
So become detached, and renounce hypocrisy; Your Husband Lord knows everything.
The One Lord is pervading the water, the land and the sky; the Gurmukh realizes the Command of His Will.
One who realizes the Lord's Command, obtains all peace and comforts.
Thus says Nanak: such a detached soul remains absorbed in the Lord's Love, day and night. ||2||
Wherever you wander, O my mind, the Lord is there with you.
Renounce your cleverness, O my mind, and reflect upon the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Your Husband Lord is always with you, if you remember the Lord's Name, even for an instant.
The sins of countless incarnations shall be washed away, and in the end, you shall obtain the supreme status.
You shall be linked to the True Lord, and as Gurmukh, remember Him forever.
Thus says Nanak: wherever you go, O my mind, the Lord is there with you. ||3||
Meeting the True Guru, the wandering mind is held steady; it comes to abide in its own home.
It purchases the Naam, chants the Naam, and remains absorbed in the Naam.