The mortal eats the food which he has carefully prepared, and then steals the wealth of others. His inner being is filled with falsehood and pride.
He knows nothing of the Vedas or the Shaastras; his mind is gripped by pride. ||2||
He says his evening prayers, and observes all the fasts, but this is all just a show.
God made him stray from the path, and sent him into the wilderness. All his actions are useless. ||3||
He alone is a spiritual teacher, and he alone is a devotee of Vishnu and a scholar, whom the Lord God blesses with His Grace.
Serving the True Guru, he obtains the supreme status and saves the whole world. ||4||
What can I say? I don't know what to say. As God wills, so do I speak.
I ask only for the dust of the feet of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Servant Nanak seeks their Sanctuary. ||5||2||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
Now, my dancing is over.
I have intuitively obtained my Darling Beloved. Through the Word of the True Guru's Teachings, I found Him. ||1||Pause||
The virgin speaks with her friends about her husband and they laugh together;
but when he comes home, she becomes shy, and modestly covers her face. ||1||
When gold is melted in the crucible, it flows freely everywhere.
But when it is made into pure solid bars of gold, then it remains stationary. ||2||
As long as the days and the nights of one's life last, the clock strikes the hours, minutes and seconds.
But when the gong player gets up and leaves, the gong is not sounded again. ||3||
When the pitcher is filled with water, the water contained within it seems distinct.
Says Nanak, when the pitcher is emptied out, the water mingles again with water. ||4||3||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
Now if he is asked, what can he say?
He was supposed to have gathered the sublime essence of the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, but instead, the mad-man was busy with poison. ||1||Pause||
This human life, so difficult to obtain, was finally obtained after such a long time. He is losing it in exchange for a shell.
He came to buy musk, but instead, he has loaded dust and thistle grass. ||1||
He comes in search of profits, but he is entangled in the enticing illusion of Maya.
He loses the jewel, in exchange for mere glass. When will he have this blessed opportunity again? ||2||
He is full of sins, and he has not even one redeeming virtue. Forsaking his Lord and Master, he is involved with Maya, God's slave.
And when the final silence comes, like inanimate matter, he is caught like a thief at the door. ||3||
I cannot see any other way out. I seek the Sanctuary of the Lord's slaves.
Says Nanak, the mortal is emancipated, only when all his demerits and faults are erased and eradicated. ||4||4||
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:
O mother, my patience is gone. I am in love with my Husband Lord.
There are so many kinds of incomparable pleasures, but I am not interested in any of them. ||1||Pause||
Night and day, I utter, "Pri-a, Pri-a - Beloved, Beloved" with my mouth. I cannot sleep, even for an instant; I remain awake and aware.
Necklaces, eye make-up, fancy clothes and decorations - without my Husband Lord, these are all poison to me. ||1||