I would cut my living body into four pieces for anyone who shows me my Beloved.
O Nanak, when the Lord becomes merciful, then He leads us to meet the Perfect Guru. ||5||
The power of egotism prevails within, and the body is controlled by Maya; the false ones come and go in reincarnation.
If someone does not obey the Command of the True Guru, he cannot cross over the treacherous world-ocean.
Whoever is blessed with the Lord's Glance of Grace, walks in harmony with the Will of the True Guru.
The Blessed Vision of the True Guru's Darshan is fruitful; through it, one obtains the fruits of his desires.
I touch the feet of those who believe in and obey the True Guru.
Nanak is the slave of those who, night and day, remain lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||6||
Those who are in love with their Beloved - how can they find satisfaction without His Darshan?
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs meet Him with ease, and this mind blossoms forth in joy. ||7||
Those who are in love with their Beloved - how can they live without Him?
When they see their Husband Lord, O Nanak, they are rejuvenated. ||8||
Those Gurmukhs who are filled with love for You, my True Beloved,
O Nanak, remain immersed in the Lord's Love, night and day. ||9||
The love of the Gurmukh is true; through it, the True Beloved is attained.
Night and day, remain in bliss, O Nanak, immersed in intuitive peace and poise. ||10||
True love and affection are obtained from the Perfect Guru.
They never break, O Nanak, if one sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||11||
How can those who have true love within them live without their Husband Lord?
The Lord unites the Gurmukhs with Himself, O Nanak; they were separated from Him for such a long time. ||12||
You grant Your Grace to those whom You Yourself bless with love and affection.
O Lord, please let Nanak meet with You; please bless this beggar with Your Name. ||13||
The Gurmukh laughs, and the Gurmukh cries.
Whatever the Gurmukh does, is devotional worship.
Whoever becomes Gurmukh contemplates the Lord.
The Gurmukh, O Nanak, crosses over to the other shore. ||14||
Those who have the Naam within, contemplate the Word of the Guru's Bani.
Their faces are always radiant in the Court of the True Lord.
Sitting down and standing up, they never forget the Creator, who forgives them.
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are united with the Lord. Those united by the Creator Lord, shall never be separated again. ||15||
To work for the Guru, or a spiritual teacher, is terribly difficult, but it brings the most excellent peace.
The Lord casts His Glance of Grace, and inspires love and affection.
Joined to the service of the True Guru, the mortal being crosses over the terrifying world-ocean.
The fruits of the mind's desires are obtained, with clear contemplation and discriminating understanding within.
O Nanak, meeting the True Guru, God is found; He is the Eradicator of all sorrow. ||16||
The self-willed manmukh may perform service, but his consciousness is attached to the love of duality.
Through Maya, his emotional attachment to children, spouse and relatives increases.
He shall be called to account in the Court of the Lord, and in the end, no one will be able to save him.